NAME Timer
Provides a simple timer function to measure runtime of a callable block. Returns the return value of the block and the time elapsed in seconds.
use Timer;
# Sum the reciprocals of 1 to 1000, 100 times and return
# the sum and the total execution time for the block.
say timer { my $i = sum((1..1000) »R/» 1) for ^100; $i }
# prints (7.485470860550344 1.5826559) (times will vary)
A simple timer, useful to evaluate run time of a callable block without needing to set up variables and calls to a time function.
Extremely simple and easy to implement, but I found myself writing it over and over when trying to refactor / optimize code, so I factored it out into a module.
2018 Steve Schulze aka thundergnat
This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Licensed under The Artistic 2.0; see LICENSE.