Rand Stats





Version: 0.1.2

Raku bindings to the libxdo X11 automation library.

Note: This is a WORK IN PROGRESS. The tests are under construction and some may not work on your computer. Several functions are not yet implemented, but a large core group is.

Many of the test files do not actally run tests that can be checked for correctness. (Many of the object move & resize tests for example.) Rather, they attempt to perform an action and fail/pass based on if the attempt does or doesn't produce an error.

Not all libxdo functions are supported by every window manager. In general, mouse info & move and window info, move, & resize routines seem to be well supported, others... not so much.


use X11::libxdo;

my $xdo = Xdo.new;

say 'Version: ', $xdo.version;

say 'Active window id: ', my $active = $xdo.get-active-window;

say 'Active window title: ', $xdo.get-window-name($active);

say "Pause for a bit...";
sleep 4; # pause for a bit

loop {
    my ($x, $y, $window-id, $screen) = $xdo.get-mouse-info;
    my $name = (try $xdo.get-window-name($window-id) if $window-id)
       // 'No name set';

    my $line = "Mouse location: $x, $y, Window under mouse - ID: " ~
       $window-id ~ ', Name: ' ~ $name ~ ", Screen #: $screen";

    print "\e[H\e[JMove mouse around screen; move to top to exit.\n", $line;

    # exit if pointer moved to top of screen
    say '' and last if $y < 1;

    # update periodically.
    sleep .05;


Raku bindings to the libxdo X11 automation library.

Requires that libxdo-dev library is installed and accessible.

PlatformInstall Method
Debian and Ubuntu[sudo] apt-get install libxdo-dev
FreeBSD[sudo] pkg install libxdo-dev
Fedora[sudo] dnf install libxdo-dev
OSX[sudo] brew install libxdo-dev
OpenSUSE[sudo] zypper install libxdo-dev
Source Code on GitHubhttps://github.com/jordansissel/xdotool/releases

Many (most?) of the xdo methods take a window ID # in their parameters. This is an integer ID# and MUST be passed as an unsigned Int. In general, to act on the currently active window, set the window ID to 0 or just leave blank.

Note that many of the methods will require a small delay for them to finish before moving on to the next, especially when performing several actions in a row. Either do a short sleep or a .activate-window($window-ID) to give the action time to complete before moving on to the next action.

There are several broad categories of methods available.



Get the library version.

Takes no parameters.

Returns the version string of the current libxdo library.



Get modifier symbol pairs.

Takes no parameters.

Returns an array of modifier symbol pairs.



Reimplementation of the libxdo search function to give greater flexibility under Raku.

May seach for a name, class, ID or pid or any combination, against a string / regex.

.search( :name(), :class(), :ID(), :pid() )

Search for an open window where the title contains the exact string 'libxdo':

.search( :name('libxdo') )

Search for an open window where the title contains 'Raku' case insensitvely:

.search( :name(rx:i['raku']) )

Returns a hash { :name(), :class(), :ID(), :pid() } pairs of the first match found for one of the search parameters.

if you need more granularity or control over the search, use get-windows to get a hash of all of the visible windows and search through them manually.



Takes no parameters.

Returns a hoh of all of the visible windows keyed on the ID number with value of a hash of { :name(), :class(), :ID(), :pid() } pairs.


.move-mouse( $x, $y, $screen )

Move the mouse to a specific location.

Takes three parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.move-mouse-relative( $delta-x, $delta-y )

Move the mouse relative to it's current position.

Takes two parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.move-mouse-relative-to-window( $x, $y, $window )

Move the mouse to a specific location relative to the top-left corner of a window.

Takes three parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.



Get the current mouse location (coordinates and screen ID number).

Takes no parameters;

Returns three integers:



Get all mouse location-related data.

Takes no parameters;

Returns four integers:


.wait-for-mouse-to-move-from( $origin-x, $origin-y )

Wait for the mouse to move from a location. This function will block until the condition has been satisfied.

Takes two integer parameters:

Returns nothing.


.wait-for-mouse-to-move-to( $dest-x, $dest-y )

Wait for the mouse to move to a location. This function will block until the condition has been satisfied.

Takes two integer parameters:

Returns nothing.


.mouse-button-down( $window, $button )

Send a mouse press (aka mouse down) for a given button at the current mouse location.

Takes two parameters:

Returns nothing.


.mouse-button-up( $window, $button )

Send a mouse release (aka mouse up) for a given button at the current mouse location.

Takes two parameters:

Returns nothing.


.mouse-button-click( $window, $button )

Send a click for a specific mouse button at the current mouse location.

Takes two parameters:

Returns nothing.


.mouse-button-multiple( $window, $button, $repeat = 2, $delay? )

Send a one or more clicks of a specific mouse button at the current mouse location.

Takes three parameters:

Returns nothing.



Get the window the mouse is currently over

Takes no parameters.

Returns the ID of the topmost window under the mouse.



Get the currently-active window. Requires your window manager to support this.

Takes no parameters.

Returns one integer:



Get a window ID by clicking on it. This function blocks until a selection is made.

Takes no parameters.

Returns one integer:


.get-window-location( $window?, $scrn? )

Get a window's location.

Takes two optional parameters:

Returns three integers:


.get-window-size( $window? )

Get a window's size.

Takes one optional parameter:

Returns two integers:


.get-window-geometry( $window? )

Get a windows geometry string.

Takes one optional parameter:

Returns standard geometry string

400x200+250+450 means a 400 pixel wide by 200 pixel high window with the top left corner at 250 x position 450 y position.


.get-window-name( $window? )

Get a window's name, if any.

Takes one optional parameter:

Returns one string:


.get-window-pid( $window )

Get the PID or the process owning a window. Not all applications support this. It looks at the _NET_WM_PID property of the window.

Takes one parameter:

Returns one integer:


.set-window-size( $window, $width, $height, $flags? = 0 )

Set the window size.

Takes four parameters:


Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.focus-window( $window )

Set the focus on a window.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.get-focused-window( )

Get the ID of the window currently having focus.

Takes no parameters:

Returns one parameter:


.activate-window( $window )

Activate a window. This is generally a better choice than .focus_window for a variety of reasons, but it requires window manager support.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.raise-window( $window )

Raise a window to the top of the window stack. This is also sometimes termed as bringing the window forward.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.minimize( $window )

Minimize a window.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.map-window( $window )

Map a window. This mostly means to make the window visible if it is not currently mapped.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.unmap-window( $window )

Unmap a window. This means to make the window invisible and possibly remove it from the task bar on some WMs.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.move-window( $window )

Move a window to a specific location.

The top left corner of the window will be moved to the x,y coordinate.

Takes three parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.wait_for_window_active( $window )

Wait for a window to be active or not active. Requires your window manager to support this. Uses _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW from the EWMH spec.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.close-window( $window )

TODO not working under Cinnamon?

Close a window without trying to kill the client.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.kill-window( $window )

TODO not working under Cinnamon?

Kill a window and the client owning it.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.override-redirect( $window, $value )

TODO not working under Cinnamon?

Set the override_redirect value for a window. This generally means whether or not a window manager will manage this window.

Takes two parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.wait-for-window-map-state( $window, $state )

Wait for a window to have a specific map state.

State possibilities:

Takes two parameters:


.set-window-state( $window, $action, $property)

Change window state

Takes three parameters:


_NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE: 0 -  remove/unset property
_NET_WM_STATE_ADD:    1 -  add/set property
_NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE: 2 -  toggle property


Retuns 0 on sucess, !0 on failure


.type( $window, $string, $delay? )

Type a string to the specified window.

If you want to send a specific key or key sequence, such as "alt+l", you want instead send-sequence(...).

Not well supported under many window managers or by many applications unfortunately. Somewhat of a crapshoot as to which applications pay attention to this function. Web browsers tend to; (Firefox and Chrome tested), many other applications do not. Need to try it to see if it will work in your situation.

Takes three parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.send-sequence( $window, $string, $delay? )

This allows you to send keysequences by symbol name. Any combination of X11 KeySym names separated by '+' are valid. Single KeySym names are valid, too.

Examples: "l" "semicolon" "alt+Return" "Alt_L+Tab"

Takes three parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.send-key-press( $window, $string, $delay? )

Send key press (down) events for the given key sequence.

See send-sequence

Takes three parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.send-key-release( $window, $string, $delay? )

Send key release (up) events for the given key sequence.

See send-sequence

Takes three parameters:

Returns 0 on success !0 on failure.


.get-desktop-dimensions( $screen? )

Query the viewport (your display) dimensions

If Xinerama is active and supported, that api internally is used. If Xinerama is disabled, will report the root window's dimensions for the given screen.

Takes one parameter:

Returns three integers:



Set the number of desktops. Uses _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS of the EWMH spec.

Takes one parameter:

Returns 0 on success, !0 on failure



Get the current number of desktops. Uses _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS of the EWMH spec.

Takes no parameters:

Returns one integer:



Switch to another desktop. Uses _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP of the EWMH spec.

Takes one parameter:



Get the current desktop. Uses _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP of the EWMH spec.

Takes no parmeters:

Returns one integer:


.move-window-to-desktop($window, $number)

Move a window to another desktop. Uses _NET_WM_DESKTOP of the EWMH spec.

Takes two parameters:

Returns 0 on success, !0 on failure



Get the desktop a window is on. Uses _NET_WM_DESKTOP of the EWMH spec.

If your desktop does not support _NET_WM_DESKTOP ruturns Nil.

Takes one parameter:

Returns one integer:



Get the position of the current viewport.

This is only relevant if your window manager supports _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT

Takes no parameters:

Returns two values:


.set-desktop-viewport($x, $y)

Set the position of the current viewport.

This is only relevant if your window manager supports _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT

Takes two parameters:


2018 Steve Schulze aka thundergnat

This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Licensed under The Artistic 2.0; see LICENSE.