Rand Stats


Revision history for Algorithm-XGBoost

0.0.6  2023-08-27T03:15:21+09:00
    - Fix type discrepancy of num-row/num-col methods [#17]
    - Use absolute path when extracting xgboost.tar.gz file [#18]
    - Use xgboost v1.7.6 [#20]
    - Upload to zef intead of cpan [#21]

0.0.5  2021-08-10T23:34:56+09:00
    - Make XGBoost.train enable to set parameter

0.0.4  2021-08-08T21:16:22+09:00
    - Make missing option keyword argument [#9]
    - Use NaN instead of 1e0 as the default value of missing [#11]
    - Add global-config method [#14]
    - Add .save/.load method for Model [#15]

0.0.3  2021-08-08T03:05:46+09:00
    - Remove phasers [#7]
    - Make DMatrix.from-matrix enable to set labels [#6]

0.0.2  2021-08-08T01:36:51+09:00
    - Use agaricus.txt.train instead of agaricus.txt.test [#5]
    - Add CustomBuilder [#4]
    - Add missing auth field [4470c97]

0.0.1  2021-08-06T03:10:23+09:00
    - Initial version