A simple logging class in raku.
use Logger;
sub MAIN() {
my $log = Logger.new;
# by default the log level is INFO and the output is $*OUT (can be any IO::Handle)
# Logger.new(level => Logger::DEBUG, output => $*ERR)
# log a message
$log.trace('trace message');
$log.debug('debug message');
$log.info('info message');
$log.warn('warn message');
$log.error('error message');
# ndc
$log.ndc.push('xxx'); # add a value to the stack
$log.ndc.pop(); # remove the last item from the stack
# mdc
$log.mdc.put('key', 'value');
# change the level
$log.level = Logger::DEBUG;
$log.debug('debug message');
# checking the current log level
say $log.is-error;
say $log.is-info;
# log pattern placeholders
# %m -> message
# %d -> current datetime
# %c -> message level
# %n -> new line feed '\n'
# %p -> process id
# %x -> NDC
# %X{key-name} -> MDC
$log.pattern = '%X{key} %x %m%n';
# register log object to use in other places
Logger.add('log-name', Logger.new);
#Log.add(Logger.new) # register the log object as 'main'
# get a registered log object
my $rlog = Logger.get('log-name');
#my $rlog = Logger.get; returns the log object 'main'
$rlog.info('from "log-name"');
# Set a formatter for the datetime
my $log = Logger.new(dt-formatter => -> $dt { sprintf "%sT%s", .dd-mm-yyyy, .hh-mm-ss given $dt)});
$log.info('test'); # prints: [20-11-2021T18:31:44][INFO] test
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