v0.0.7 2025/02/04
* Fix a bug rising when some Qt C++ virtual methods are used
* Add QDialog class
* Add a QDialog example
v0.0.6 2024/11/28
* Move to zef ecosystem
* Add new Qt classes (QGridLayout, QMainWindow, some QGraphics classes ...)
* Add QGridLayout class
* Add some new examples
* Fix the deprecated use of method Str in class Distribution::Resource
* Fix the definition of a QtSignal in a forward declared class
v0.0.5 2021/28/08
* Fix a bug in event handlers
* Add QSlider, QDial, QCheckBox and QRadioButton classes
* Add sliders.raku example
v0.0.4 2021/08/16
* Fix corrupt strings returned by methods from the Qt API
* Fix signal/slot to/from Qt with non default arguments
* Add a few methods in QTextEdit
* Update an old example a add a new one
v0.0.3 2021/08/04
* Fix guessuse which was missing QApplication
* Add QResizeEvent and some associated methods
* Add QFileDialog.getOpenFileName and QFileDialog.getSaveFileName static
* Update examples
v0.0.2 2021/07/18
* First released version
* Implement the Qt signal/slot mechanism
* Implement the subclassing and overriding mechanism
* Implement a minimum of Qt classes and methods