Rand Stats

The uploading author of cpan:HANENKAMP does not match the META author of github:zostay.


v0.4.0	2019-02-09

    * Fix a bug where error responses when using the Cro UA would not be handled
    * Fix a bug which failed to set the request ID correctly on API errors.
    * Fix location of use v6.

v0.3	2018-08-06

    * Bugfix: Cro::HTTP was missing from the build dependencies.

v0.2    2018-08-03

    * Bugfix #1: Tests were reading AWS credentials files needlessly. Tests
      should now be performed using custom test environment variables only (see
      Test::Amazon::DynamoDB in `t/lib` for details). (HT: @MattOates)

v0.1    2018-06-29

    * Initial release.