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Patrick Spek p.spek@tyil.work




raku --doc=HTML::Section <document>


Convert a Pod6 document to HTMLWell, just a section of it, really.


Through zef

zef is the standard distribution manager for Raku. If you're using an end-user distribution like Rakudo Star, it will be installed for you by default.

zef will install the latest available version from CPAN.

zef install Pod::To::HTML::Section

From a downloaded distribution

All official releases are also made available on my personal distribution server. These can be installed from the URL directly.

zef install https://dist.tyil.nl/raku/modules/Pod-To-HTML-Section-0.1.0.tar.gz

Alternatively, you can download the distribution first, and then install that copy with zef.

wget https://dist.tyil.nl/raku/modules/Pod-To-HTML-Section-0.1.0.tar.gz
zef install ./Pod-To-HTML-Section-0.1.0.tar.gz


Reporting bugs or other feedback

Any bugs or other feedback can be sent to my email address. I generally try to respond to all mail within 24 hours.

Proposing code patches

Code patches can also be sent in through email. If you need help to send git patches through email, you may want to read up on git-send-email.io.


If you're working on a code patch, you will more than likely want to test your own changes to see if they're solving your issue. The easiest way to get the HTML out on your terminal is to specify your development copy with -I to give it priority, and using raku --doc as usual.

raku -Ilib --doc=HTML::Section <document>

However, this may be hard to read for most purposes. If you have xmllint and tidy available on your system, you can use these tools in conjuction with the raku --doc command to format the HTML.

raku -Ilib --doc=HTML::Section <document> \
   | xmllint --html - 2>/dev/null \
   | tidy --indent yes 2>/dev/null


This module is distributed under the terms of the GNUGNU's Not Unix AGPLAferro General Public License, version 3.0.