This is a simple module to offer you a simple interface for when you need a configuration file.
It support various format. The default file format is a perl6 expression.
It main use is for simple configuration file that work like the ini format.
It work like a %hash object with additionnal .read and .write method
Dependancy and installation
The module depend on Data::Dump
for the default format.
for the the ini format
for JSON
The new
and read
methods take an additionnal argument to specify the format of the config file.
It's the f
parameter. Like .new(f<ini>)
will say to save using the "ini" format.
my $conf = Config::Simple.new #Provide a default format
#my $conf = Config::Simple.new(:f<ini>) #if you want to use a ini file;
$conf.filename = "myconf.conf";
$conf<video><title> = "Dune"
$conf<subtitle><file> = "Dune_sub.ssa"
$conf<subtitle><format> = "ssa";
$conf.write(); # write the conf to a file
$conf.write("mycopyconf.con"); # you can also specify another file
# to read from an already existing file
$conf = Config::Simple.read("myconf.conf") # or .read("myconf.conf", :f<ini>))
say $conf<video><title>; #Dune
For now, the only available formats are ini
and JSON
the case is important since it try to load the Config::Simple::format module.
The ini
format provide a _ key for the root. $conf<_><something>
to read stuff not put in a section
Create a Config::Simple::myformat class that does Config::Simple::Role and define a write
and read
Edit the format tests for skipping when the attached module is not installed
This software is under the same licence as Rakudo, see the LICENCE file