
Provide a functionality similar to lazy in perl 5 with Moo
This module provides trait lazy. That trait will create a public accessor if attribute is private or replace the accessor if the attribute is public. A lazy attribute is read-onlu
Lazy attribute with call a builder the first time to calculate the value of an attribute if not defined, and store the value. It's especially useful for property of a class that take a long time to compute, as they will be evaluated only on demand, and only once.
An alternate way of doing a similat functionality would be to just create a public method with is cached trait, however, using lazy allow to give a value within the constructor, and never do the computation in that case
use AttrX::Lazy;
class Sample
has $.attribute is lazy;
method !build_attribute() {
#heavy calculation
return $value;
is equivalent to
class Sample
has $.attribute;
method attribute() {
unless $!attribute.defined {
#heavy calculation
$!attribute = $value;
The builder method name can be changed like the following:
use AttrX::Lazy;
class Sample
has $.attribute is lazy( builder => 'my_custom_builder' );
method !my_custom_builder() {
#heavy calculation
return $value;
Another approach to the same probleme here:
Hopefully, lazyness of attribute at one point will be integrated in perl6 core, and AttrX::Lazy will become useless
To test the meta data of the modules, set environement variable PERL6_TEST_META to 1 On the Christmas version of perl, the module had no issue, but it's not working correctly anymore with precompilation as of today, waiting for a fix in rakudo, add no precompilation pragma
Artistic License 2.0