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Test::Run - A module for testing output of processes.


Test::Run is a module for testing STDOUT, STDERR and exitcode of processes.

By default it uses cmp-ok test function with smartmatch operator. But custom operators and test functions can be used.


use Test::Run :runs_ok;

runs_ok :args«$*EXECUTABLE -e 'put "Hi!", :out("Hi!\n"), 'Simple STDOUT test';
# or
Test::Run::runs_ok :args«$*EXECUTABLE -e 'put "Hi!", :out("Hi!\n"), 'Simple STDOUT test with full sub name';

# Smartmatching against a regex
runs_ok :args«$*EXECUTABLE -I. bin/program -v», :out(/'program-name v' [\d+ %% '.'] ** 3 .+/), 'Prints version';

# Smartmatching against Whatevercode
runs_ok :args«$*EXECUTABLE -e 'note "some long error message"; exit 1;'»,
        :err(*.contains('error message')),
        :exitcode(* > 0);

runs_ok :args«$*EXECUTABLE -»,
        :in('put "Hi!"; note "Bye!"; exit 1'), :out("Hi!\n"), :err("Bye!\n"), :exitcode(1),
        'Output test';

# Using custom test function
use Test::Differences;
runs_ok :args«@args[] $command», :out($expected_data), "Prints correctly", :test_stdout(&eq_or_diff);


You need to have Raku and zef, then run:

zef install 'Test::Run:auth<zef:CIAvash>'

or if you have cloned the repo:

zef install .


prove -ve 'raku -I.' --ext rakutest


sub runs_ok

sub runs_ok(
    Str $description?, :@args!, :$in, :$out, :$err, Int :$exitcode = 0,
    Bool:D :$bin = Bool::False,
    Bool:D :$bin_stdout = $bin,
    Bool:D :$bin_stderr = $bin,
    :$op = &[~~],
    :$op_stdout is copy = $op,
    :$op_stderr is copy = $op,
) returns Mu

Takes program arguments, optionally STDIN, expected STDOUT and STDERR and exitcode, binary mode(can be separate for STDOUT and STDERR), operator used for cmp-ok (can be separate for STDOUT and STDERR), custom test function to run on STDOUT and/or STDERR.

Then runs 3 tests for exitcode, STDERR, STDOUT in a subtest

Bool:D :$bin

Whether output is binary(Blob)

Bool:D :$bin_stdout

Whether STDOUT is binary(Blob)

Bool:D :$bin_stderr

Whether STDERR is binary(Blob)

Mu $op

Comparison operator for cmp-ok

Mu $op_stdout

Comparison operator for cmp-ok and STDOUT

Mu $op_stderr

Comparison operator for cmp-ok and STDERR

Callable &test_stdout

Custom test function for STDOUT

Callable &test_stderr

Custom test function for STDERR

sub run_proc

sub run_proc(:@args, :$in, Bool:D :$bin = Bool::False) returns List

Runs process with Proc, returns a list of STDOUT, STDERR, exitcode.

Currently unused because it returns exitcode 1 for nonexistent programs, sinks & dies when handles are closed

See https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1590 and https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3720

sub run_proc_async

sub run_proc_async(
    Bool:D :$bin = Bool::False,
    Bool:D :$bin_stdout = $bin,
    Bool:D :$bin_stderr = $bin
) returns List

Runs process with Proc::Async, returns a list of STDOUT, STDERR, exitcode






Siavash Askari Nasr - https://siavash.askari-nasr.com


Copyright © 2021 Siavash Askari Nasr


This file is part of Test::Run.

Test::Run is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Test::Run is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Test::Run. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.