Rand Stats




WebService::TMDB - A module for accessing The Movie Database data.


use WebService::TMDB;

my $tmdb = WebService::TMDB.new: :access_token<1234>;

my $search = $tmdb.search_movie: query => 'legend of 1900';
say $search.results[0].title;

my $movie = $tmdb.movie: 10775, :append(['credits']);
say $movie.title;
say $movie.credits.cast[0].name;

my $find = $tmdb.find_by: ExternalSources::IMDB, :external_id<tt4540710>;
say $find.movie_results[0].title;


You need to have Raku and zef, then run:

zef install "WebService::TMDB:auth<zef:CIAvash>"

or if you have cloned the repo:

zef install .


prove -ve 'raku -I.' --ext rakutest


WebService::TMDB is a module for interfacing with the TMDB API. An access token is required to use the API.


has Str $.access_token

Access token required by themoviedb.org

has WebService::TMDB::Role::Request $.request handles('language', 'set_language')

An object for making requests to themoviedb.org

method find_by

method find_by(
    WebService::TMDB::ExternalSources(Str) $external_source,
    Str :$external_id!
) returns WebService::TMDB::Find

Find movie, TV, TV season and episode by external ID

method movie

method movie(
    Int $id,
    :@append where { ... }
) returns WebService::TMDB::Movie

Get a specific movie by its ID. Credits and external IDs can be appended to response.

method movie_credits

method movie_credits(
    Int $id
) returns WebService::TMDB::Credits

Get credits for a movie

method movie_external_ids

method movie_external_ids(
    Int $id
) returns WebService::TMDB::ExternalID

Get external IDs for a movie

method movie_upcoming

method movie_upcoming(
) returns WebService::TMDB::Movie::Upcoming

Get upcoming movies

method movie_now_playing

method movie_now_playing(
) returns WebService::TMDB::Movie::Upcoming

Get movies that are in theatres

method search_movie

method search_movie(
) returns WebService::TMDB::Movie::Search

Search for movies

method discover_movie

method discover_movie(
) returns WebService::TMDB::Movie::Search

Discover movies

method tv

method tv(
    Int $id,
    :@append where { ... }
) returns WebService::TMDB::TV

Get a TV show by its ID. Credits and external IDs can be appended to response.

method season

method season(
    Int :$tv,
    Int :$season,
    :@append where { ... }
) returns WebService::TMDB::TV::Season

Get a TV season. Credits can be appended to response.

method episode

method episode(
    Int :$tv,
    Int :$season,
    Int :$episode,
    :@append where { ... }
) returns WebService::TMDB::TV::Episode

Get a TV episode. Credits can be appended to response.

method tv_airing_today

method tv_airing_today(
) returns WebService::TMDB::TV::Search

Get TV shows that are airing today

method tv_on_the_air

method tv_on_the_air(
) returns WebService::TMDB::TV::Search

Get TV shows that are currently on the air

method search_tv

method search_tv(
) returns WebService::TMDB::TV::Search

Search TV shows

method discover_tv

method discover_tv(
) returns WebService::TMDB::TV::Search

Discover TV shows

method person

method person(
    Int $id,
    :@append where { ... }
) returns WebService::TMDB::Person

Get a person by its ID. Movie & TV credits and external IDs can be appended to response.

method person_movie_credits

method person_movie_credits(
    Int $id
) returns WebService::TMDB::Person::MovieCredits

Get a person's movie credits

method person_tv_credits

method person_tv_credits(
    Int $id
) returns WebService::TMDB::Person::TVCredits

Get a person's TV credits

method person_external_ids

method person_external_ids(
    Int $id
) returns WebService::TMDB::ExternalID

Get a person's external IDs

method search_person

method search_person(
) returns WebService::TMDB::Person::Search

Search people

method genre_movie_list

method genre_movie_list() returns WebService::TMDB::Genre::List

Get genre list for movies

method genre_tv_list

method genre_tv_list() returns WebService::TMDB::Genre::List

Get genre list for TV shows

method certification_movie_list

method certification_movie_list() returns WebService::TMDB::CertificationList

Get certification list for movies

method certification_tv_list

method certification_tv_list() returns WebService::TMDB::CertificationList

Get certification list for TV shows

method configuration

method configuration() returns WebService::TMDB::Configuration

Get themoviedb.org configuration. themoviedb.org recommends caching this data and checking for updates every few days.


HTTP::UserAgent module is used with exception throwing enabled. So exceptions will be thrown in case of non-existent resources, out of range values, etc. See http://modules.raku.org/dist/HTTP::UserAgent.

When an exception of type X::HTTP::Response is caught, and the response received from themoviedb.org contains an error message, an attribute named tmdb_status_message or tmdb_errors will be added to the exception containing that error message.


Some live tests will run when NETWORK_TESTING environment variable is set.






Siavash Askari Nasr - https://siavash.askari-nasr.com


Copyright © Siavash Askari Nasr

WebService::TMDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

WebService::TMDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with WebService::TMDB. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.