In a template only way: If wou just want your Cromponent to be a "fancy substitute for cro-template sub/macro", You can simpley create your Cromponent, and on yout template, <:use> it, it with export a sub (or a macro if you used the is macro
trait) to your template, that sub (or macro) will accept any arguments you pass it and will pass it to your Cromponent's conscructor (new), and use the result of that as the value to be used.
use Cromponent;
class H1 does Cromponent is macro {
has Str $.prefix = "My fancy H1";
method RENDER {
sub EXPORT { H1.^exports }
On your template:
<:use H1>
<|H1(:prefix('Something very important: '))>
That was it
As a value passed as data to the template. If a Cromponent is passed as a value to a template, you can simply "print" it inside the template to have its rendered version, it will probably be an HTML, so it will need to be called inside a <&HTML()> call (I'm still trying to figureout how to avoid that requirement).
use Cromponent;
class Todo does Cromponent {
has Str $.text is required;
has Bool &.done = False;
method RENDER {
<input type='checkbox' <?.done>checked</?>>
sub EXPORT { Todo.^exports }
On your route:
template "todos.crotmp", { :todos(<bla ble bli>.map: -> $text { :$text }) }
On your template:
<@.todos: $todo>
You can also use a Cromponent to auto-generate cro routes
use Cromponent;
class Text does Cromponent {
my UInt $next-id = 1;
my %texts;
has UInt $.id = $next-id++;
has Str $.text is required;
has Bool $.deleted = False;
method TWEAK(|) { %tests{$!id} = self }
method LOAD($id) { %tests{$id} }
method all { %texts.values }
method toggle is accessoble {
$!deleted = !$!deleted
method RENDER {
sub EXPORT { Todo.^exports }
On your route:
use Text;
route {
get -> {
template "texts.crotmp", { :texts[ Texts.all ] }
The call to the .^add-cromponent-routes method will create (on this case) 2 endpoints:
-- that will return the HTML ot the obj with that id rendered (it will use the method LOAD
to get the object)
-- that will load the object using the method LOAD
and call toggle
on it
You can also define the method CREATE
, and UPDATE
to allow it to create other endpoints.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.