Impleementation of Heap data structure
has Callable &.cmp
The comparator function
has Positional[Any]
The array with the heap data
method new
method new(
+@arr is copy
) returns Mu
Receives a array and transforms that array in a Heap (O(n))
method push
method push(
) returns Mu
Add a ney value on the Heap
method pop
method pop() returns Mu
Removes and returns the first element of the heap
method peek
method peek() returns Mu
Returns the first element of the heap
method all
method all() returns Mu
Pops the Heap until its empty
A simple perl6 module implementing the heap data structure.
my Heap $heap .= new: 9, 7, 5, 3, 1;
$heap.push: 8;
say $heap.pop; # 1
say $heap.pop; # 3
say $heap.pop; # 5
say $heap.all # (7, 8, 9)
my Heap[-*] $heap .= new: <9 7 5 3 1>;
$heap.push: 8;
say $heap.pop; # 9
say $heap.pop; # 8
say $heap.pop; # 7
my Heap[{$^b <=> $^a}] $heap .= new: <9 7 5 3 1>;
$heap.push: 8;
say $heap.pop; # 9
say $heap.pop; # 8
say $heap.pop; # 7
my Heap[*<order>] $heap .= new:
{:something<ble>, :order<2>},
{:something<bla>, :order<1>},
{:something<bli>, :order<3>},
{:something<blu>, :order<5>},
$heap.push: {:something<blo>, :order<4>},
say $heap.pop; # {:something<bla>, :order<1>}
say $heap.pop; # {:something<ble>, :order<2>}
say $heap.pop; # {:something<bli>, :order<3>}