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Desktop::Notify::Progress - Show the progress of processing in a notification popup


use Desktop::Notify::Progress;

my $fh = 'BigDataFile'.IO.open;
my $p := Desktop::Notify::Progress.new: :$fh, :title('Long data processing'), :timeout(2);
for $p -> $line {
use Desktop::Notify::Progress;

my @p = Seq.new(Desktop::Notify::Progress.new: :filename('BigDataFile'));
for @p -> $line {


Desktop::Notify::Progress is a small class that provides a way to show the progress of file processing using libnotify

new(Str :$filename!, Str :$title?, Int :$timeout? = 0)

new(IO::Handle :$fh!, :$title!, Int :$timeout? = 0)

new(:&get!, Int :$size?, Str :$title!, Int :$timeout? = 0)

Creates a Desktop::Notify::Progress object.

The first form takes one mandatory argument: filename, which will be used as the notification title. Optionally one can pass an additional string which will be used as the notification title: title. Another optional parameter timeout, the number of seconds the notification will last until disappearing. The default is for the notification not to disappear until explicitly closed.

The second form requires both an opened file handler fh and the notification title. An optional timeout can be specified.

The third form takes a mandatory function &get which retrieves the next element, an optional total number of elements $size, and an optional timeout. If the $size parameter has been provided, the notification will show a percentage, otherwise it will show the current element number.


A Desktop::Notify::Progress object has an Iterable role, so it can be used to read a file line by line. When initialized the object will read the file size, so it will be able to update the computation progress as a percentage in the notification window.


This module requires the libnotify library to be installed. Please follow the instructions below based on your platform:

Debian Linux

sudo apt-get install libnotify4


To install it using zef (a module management tool):

$ zef install Desktop::Notify::Progress

This will install the Desktop::Notify module if not yet present.


To run the tests:

$ prove -e "raku -Ilib"


Fernando Santagata nando.santagata@gmail.com


Copyright 2019 Fernando Santagata

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.