Rename files in any text editor that you like.
Cyclic renames such as A to B, B to C, and C to A are possible.
Programmatic Usage
use File::Name::Editor;
my @files = ("file1", "file2", ...);
my $editor = %*ENV<EDITOR>;
edit-file-names(@files, $editor);
If there are problems, exceptions are thrown. Catch exceptions if necessary.
edit-file-names(@files, $editor, :overwrite);
allows File::Name::Editor
to overwrite files not in @files
Command Line Usage
prints how to use it.
You can install it with zef
zef install File::Name::Editor
This installs file-name-editor in ~/.raku/bin
or some other place.
If your linux distribution has it, you can install it with your distribution's
package manager.