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Raku grammar classes with example address book entities.

This is an example data package used in demos of "DSL::FiniteStateMachines", [AAp5].


From Zef ecosystem:

zef install DSL::Entity::AddressBook

From GitHub:

zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-DSL-Entity-AddressBook.git


Here are examples of recognizing different types of data acquisition related specifications:

use DSL::Entity::AddressBook;
use DSL::Entity::AddressBook::Grammar;

my &ab-parse = { DSL::Entity::AddressBook::Grammar.parse($_, args => (DSL::Entity::AddressBook::resource-access-object(),))};

say &ab-parse('Orlando Bloom');
# 「Orlando Bloom」
#  addressbook-entity-spec-list => 「Orlando Bloom」
#   addressbook-entity-spec => 「Orlando Bloom」
#    entity-addressbook-person-name => 「Orlando Bloom」
#     entity-name => 「Orlando Bloom」
#      0 => 「Orlando Bloom」
#       entity-name-part => 「Orlando」
#       entity-name-part => 「Bloom」
say &ab-parse('Lort of the Rings');
#ERROR: Possible misspelling of 'lord of the rings' as 'lort of the rings'.
# 「Lort of the Rings」
#  addressbook-entity-spec-list => 「Lort of the Rings」
#   addressbook-entity-spec => 「Lort of the Rings」
#    entity-addressbook-company-name => 「Lort of the Rings」
#     entity-name => 「Lort of the Rings」
#      0 => 「Lort of the Rings」
#       entity-name-part => 「Lort」
#       entity-name-part => 「of」
#       entity-name-part => 「the」
#       entity-name-part => 「Rings」
say &ab-parse('X-Men');
# 「X-Men」
#  addressbook-entity-spec-list => 「X-Men」
#   addressbook-entity-spec => 「X-Men」
#    entity-addressbook-company-name => 「X-Men」
#     entity-name => 「X-Men」
#      0 => 「X-Men」
#       entity-name-part => 「X-Men」



[AAp1] Anton Antonov, DSL::Shared Raku package, (2020), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Geographics Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp3] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Jobs Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp4] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Foods Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp5] Anton Antonov, DSL::FiniteStateMachines Raku package, (2022-2023), GitHub/antononcube.