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Raku DSL::FiniteStateMachines

In brief

This repository is for a Raku package with class definitions and functions for creation of Finite State Machines (FSMs) and their execution.

Usage example (Address book)

Here we load the definition of the class AddressBookCaller (provided by this package) and related entities package, "DSL::Entity::AddressBook":

use DSL::FiniteStateMachines::AddressBookCaller;

use DSL::Entity::AddressBook;
use DSL::Entity::AddressBook::ResourceAccess;
# (Any)

Here we obtain a resource object to access a (particular) address book:

my $resourceObj = DSL::Entity::AddressBook::resource-access-object();
# DSL::Entity::AddressBook::ResourceAccess.new

Here we create the FSM and show its states:

my DSL::FiniteStateMachines::AddressBookCaller $abcFSM .= new;


.say for $abcFSM.states;
# WaitForCallCommand => State object < id => WaitForCallCommand, action => -> $obj { #`(Block|3265001677624) ... } >
# WaitForRequest => State object < id => WaitForRequest, action => -> $obj { #`(Block|3265001677696) ... } >
# ListOfItems => State object < id => ListOfItems, action => -> $obj { #`(Block|3265001677768) ... } >
# ActOnItem => State object < id => ActOnItem, action => -> $obj { #`(Block|3265001677840) ... } >
# Help => State object < id => Help, action => -> $obj { #`(Block|3265001677912) ... } >
# AcquireItem => State object < id => AcquireItem, action => -> $obj { #`(Block|3265001677984) ... } >
# PrioritizedList => State object < id => PrioritizedList, action => -> $obj { #`(Block|3265001678056) ... } >
# Exit => State object < id => Exit, action => -> $obj { #`(Block|3265001678128) ... } >

(Each pair shows the name of the state object and the object itself.)

Here is the graph of FSM's state transitions:

graph TD
	WaitForCallCommand --> |translated|WaitForRequest
	WaitForCallCommand --> |unchanged|WaitForRequest
	WaitForRequest --> |itemSpec|ListOfItems
	WaitForRequest --> |startOver|WaitForRequest
	WaitForRequest --> |prioritize|PrioritizedList
	WaitForRequest --> |help|Help
	WaitForRequest --> |quit|Exit
	ListOfItems --> |manyItems|WaitForCallCommand
	ListOfItems --> |noItems|WaitForCallCommand
	ListOfItems --> |noChange|WaitForCallCommand
	ListOfItems --> |uniqueItemObtained|AcquireItem
	ActOnItem --> |stay|ActOnItem
	ActOnItem --> |quit|Exit
	Help --> |helpGiven|WaitForCallCommand
	AcquireItem --> |acquired|ActOnItem
	PrioritizedList --> |priorityListGiven|WaitForCallCommand

Remark: In order to obtain Mathematica -- or Wolfram Language (WL) -- representation of the state transitions graph the method to-wl can be used.

Here is how the dataset of the created FSM looks like:

.say for $abcFSM.dataset.pick(3);
# {Company => X-Men, DiscordHandle => halle.berry#8811, Email => halle.berry.297@aol.net, Name => Halle Berry, Phone => 701-230-8879, Position => actor}
# {Company => X-Men, DiscordHandle => richard.donner#1820, Email => richard.donner.182@aol.net, Name => Richard Donner, Phone => 849-923-9946, Position => producer}
# {Company => X-Men, DiscordHandle => simon.kinberg#8029, Email => simon.kinberg.807@icloud.net, Name => Simon Kinberg, Phone => 781-187-2762, Position => producer}

For an interactive execution of the FSM we use the command:


Here we run the FSM with a sequence of commands:

        ["call an actor from LOTR", "", 
         "take last three", "", 
         "take the second", "", "", 
         "2", "5", "", 
# 🔊 PLEASE enter call request.
# ⚙️Input: ⚙️"call an actor from LOTR"
# ⚙️Translated input: ⚙️filter by Position is "actor" and Company is "LOTR"
# 🔊 LISTING items.
# ⚙️ListOfItems: Obtained the records:
# ⚙️+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+----------+----------------------+-----------------+
# ⚙️|             Email              | Company |    Phone     | Position |    DiscordHandle     |       Name      |
# ⚙️+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+----------+----------------------+-----------------+
# ⚙️|   andy.serkis.981@gmail.com    |   LOTR  | 408-573-4472 |  actor   |   andy.serkis#8484   |   Andy Serkis   |
# ⚙️|     elijah.wood.53@aol.com     |   LOTR  | 321-985-9291 |  actor   |   elijah.wood#7282   |   Elijah Wood   |
# ⚙️|    ian.mckellen581@aol.com     |   LOTR  | 298-517-5842 |  actor   |  ian.mckellen#9077   |   Ian McKellen  |
# ⚙️|    liv.tyler1177@gmail.com     |   LOTR  | 608-925-5727 |  actor   |    liv.tyler#8284    |    Liv Tyler    |
# ⚙️|  orlando.bloom.914@gmail.net   |   LOTR  | 570-406-4260 |  actor   |  orlando.bloom#6219  |  Orlando Bloom  |
# ⚙️|   sean.astin.1852@gmail.net    |   LOTR  | 365-119-3172 |  actor   |   sean.astin#1753    |    Sean Astin   |
# ⚙️| viggo.mortensen1293@icloud.com |   LOTR  | 287-691-8138 |  actor   | viggo.mortensen#7157 | Viggo Mortensen |
# ⚙️+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+----------+----------------------+-----------------+
# 🔊 PLEASE enter call request.
# ⚙️Input: ⚙️"take last three"
# 🔊 LISTING items.
# ⚙️ListOfItems: Obtained the records:
# ⚙️+--------------+---------+--------------------------------+-----------------+----------+----------------------+
# ⚙️|    Phone     | Company |             Email              |       Name      | Position |    DiscordHandle     |
# ⚙️+--------------+---------+--------------------------------+-----------------+----------+----------------------+
# ⚙️| 570-406-4260 |   LOTR  |  orlando.bloom.914@gmail.net   |  Orlando Bloom  |  actor   |  orlando.bloom#6219  |
# ⚙️| 365-119-3172 |   LOTR  |   sean.astin.1852@gmail.net    |    Sean Astin   |  actor   |   sean.astin#1753    |
# ⚙️| 287-691-8138 |   LOTR  | viggo.mortensen1293@icloud.com | Viggo Mortensen |  actor   | viggo.mortensen#7157 |
# ⚙️+--------------+---------+--------------------------------+-----------------+----------+----------------------+
# 🔊 PLEASE enter call request.
# ⚙️Input: ⚙️"take the second"
# 🔊 LISTING items.
# ⚙️ListOfItems: Obtained the records:
# ⚙️+----------+---------+-----------------+------------+---------------------------+--------------+
# ⚙️| Position | Company |  DiscordHandle  |    Name    |           Email           |    Phone     |
# ⚙️+----------+---------+-----------------+------------+---------------------------+--------------+
# ⚙️|  actor   |   LOTR  | sean.astin#1753 | Sean Astin | sean.astin.1852@gmail.net | 365-119-3172 |
# ⚙️+----------+---------+-----------------+------------+---------------------------+--------------+
# 🔊 ACQUIRE item: {Company => LOTR, DiscordHandle => sean.astin#1753, Email => sean.astin.1852@gmail.net, Name => Sean Astin, Phone => 365-119-3172, Position => actor}
# ⚙️Acquiring contact info for : ⚙️Sean Astin
# 🔊 ACT ON item: {Company => LOTR, DiscordHandle => sean.astin#1753, Email => sean.astin.1852@gmail.net, Name => Sean Astin, Phone => 365-119-3172, Position => actor}
# ⚙️[1] email, [2] phone message, [3] phone call, [4] discord message, or [5] nothing
# ⚙️(choose one...)
# ⚙️Input: ⚙️"2"
# ⚙️message by phone 365-119-3172
# 🔊 ACT ON item: {Company => LOTR, DiscordHandle => sean.astin#1753, Email => sean.astin.1852@gmail.net, Name => Sean Astin, Phone => 365-119-3172, Position => actor}
# ⚙️[1] email, [2] phone message, [3] phone call, [4] discord message, or [5] nothing
# ⚙️(choose one...)
# ⚙️Input: ⚙️"5"
# ⚙️do nothing
# 🔊 SHUTTING down...

Object Oriented Design

Here is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram corresponding to the classes in this package:

class DSL_FiniteStateMachines_DataObtainer {
DSL_FiniteStateMachines_DataObtainer --|> DSL_FiniteStateMachines_FSMish
DSL_FiniteStateMachines_DataObtainer --|> DSL_FiniteStateMachines_QueryRetrieveActFSMRole

class DSL_FiniteStateMachines_State {

class DSL_FiniteStateMachines_Transition {

class DSL_FiniteStateMachines_QueryRetrieveActFSMRole {
DSL_FiniteStateMachines_QueryRetrieveActFSMRole --|> DSL_FiniteStateMachines_FSMish

class DSL_FiniteStateMachines_AddressBookCaller {
DSL_FiniteStateMachines_AddressBookCaller --|> DSL_FiniteStateMachines_FSMish
DSL_FiniteStateMachines_AddressBookCaller --|> DSL_FiniteStateMachines_QueryRetrieveActFSMRole

class DSL_FiniteStateMachines_FSMish {

(The UML spec and the Mermaid spec above were automatically generated with "UML::Translators", [AAp5].)

Here is the MermaidJS spec generation shell command:

to-uml-spec --format=MermaidJS DSL::FiniteStateMachines 



[AAp1] Anton Antonov, DSL::Shared Raku package, (2020), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Metadata Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp3] Anton Antonov, DSL::English::DataAcquisitionWorkflows Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp4] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::AddressBook Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp5] Anton Antonov, UML::Translators Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.


[AAv1] Anton Antonov, "Multi-language Data Wrangling and Acquisition Conversational Agents (in Raku)", (2021), YouTube.com.