DateTime::Grammar Raku package
This Raku package provides grammar (role) and interpreters for parsing
datetime specifications.
Most of the code is from [FS1]. The original code of the file
(from [FS1]) was separated into the files
The code in
provides the "top-level" functions:
Remark: The code
can be replaced with datetime-interpret
Compare the test files of this repository that have names starting with "01-" with the corresponding files in [FS1].
From Zef ecosystem:
zef install DateTime::Grammar
From GitHub:
zef install
Usage examples
Interpret a full blown datetime spec:
use DateTime::Grammar;
my $rfc1123 = datetime-interpret('Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT');
Just the date:
# 1994-11-06
7th day of week:
datetime-interpret('Sun', :rule<wkday>) + 1;
# 7
With the adverb extended
we can control whether the datetime specs can be just dates.
Here are examples:
# 1089-01-23T00:00:00Z
# (Any)
Using the role in "external" grammars
Here is how the role "Grammarish" of "DateTime::Grammar" can be used in "higher order" grammars:
my grammar DateTimeInterval
does DateTime::Grammarish {
rule TOP($*extended) { 'from' <from=.datetime-param-spec> 'to' <to=.datetime-param-spec> }
DateTimeInterval.parse('from 2022-12-02 to Oct 4 2023', args => (True,))
# 「from 2022-12-02 to Oct 4 2023」
# from => 「2022-12-02」
# date-spec => 「2022-12-02」
# date5 => 「2022-12-02」
# year => 「2022」
# month => 「12」
# day => 「02」
# to => 「Oct 4 2023」
# date-spec => 「Oct 4 2023」
# date8 => 「Oct 4 2023」
# month => 「Oct」
# month-short-name => 「Oct」
# day => 「4」
# year => 「2023」
The parameter $*extended
can be eliminated by using <datetime-spec>
instead of <datetime-param-spec>
my grammar DateTimeInterval2
does DateTime::Grammarish {
rule TOP { 'from' <from=.datetime-spec> 'to' <to=.datetime-spec> }
DateTimeInterval2.parse('from 2022-12-02 to Oct 4 2023')
# 「from 2022-12-02 to Oct 4 2023」
# from => 「2022-12-02」
# date-spec => 「2022-12-02」
# date5 => 「2022-12-02」
# year => 「2022」
# month => 「12」
# day => 「02」
# to => 「Oct 4 2023」
# date-spec => 「Oct 4 2023」
# date8 => 「Oct 4 2023」
# month => 「Oct」
# month-short-name => 「Oct」
# day => 「4」
# year => 「2023」
The package provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) script. Here is its usage message:
datetime-interpretation --help
# Usage:
# datetime-interpretation <spec> [-t|--target=<Str>] -- Interpret datetime spec.
# datetime-interpretation [<words> ...] [-t|--target=<Str>] -- Interpret datetime spec obtained by a sequence of strings.
# datetime-interpretation [-t|--target=<Str>] -- Interpret datetime spec from pipeline input
# <spec> Datetime specification.
# -t|--target=<Str> Interpretation target. [default: 'Raku']
# [<words> ...] Datetime specification.
[FPS1] Filip Sergot,
DateTime::Parse Raku package,