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Raku package with Number theory functions.

The function names and features follow the Number theory functions of Wolfram Language.

Remark: Raku has some nice built-in Number theory functions, like, base, mod, polymod, expmod, is-prime. They somewhat lack generality, hence their functionalities are extended with this package. For example, is-prime works with lists and Gaussian integers.


From Zef ecosystem:

zef install Math::NumberTheory

From GitHub:

zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-Math-NumberTheory

Usage examples

Prime number testing

The built-in sub is-prime is extended to work with Gaussian integers:

use Math::NumberTheory;
say is-prime(2 + 1i);
say is-prime(5, :gaussian-integers);
# True
# False

Another extension is threading over lists of numbers:

# (False False True True False True)

Factor integers

Gives a list of the prime factors of an integer argument, together with their exponents:

# [(2 18) (3 8) (5 4) (7 2) (11 1) (13 1) (17 1) (19 1)]

Remark: By default factor-integer uses Pollard's Rho algorithm -- specified with method => 'rho' -- as implemented at RosettaCode, [RC1], with similar implementations provided by "Prime::Factor", [SSp1], and "Math::Sequences", [RCp1].

Do partial factorization, pulling out at most k distinct factors:

factor-integer(factorial(20), 3, method => 'trial')
# [(2 18) (3 8) (5 4)]

Chinese reminders


my @data = 931074546, 117172357, 482333642, 199386034, 394354985;
# [931074546 117172357 482333642 199386034 394354985]


#my @keys = random-prime(10**9 .. 10**12, @data.elems);
my @keys = 274199185649, 786765306443, 970592805341, 293623796783, 238475031661;
# [274199185649 786765306443 970592805341 293623796783 238475031661]

Remark: Using these larger keys is also a performance check.

Encrypted data:

my $encrypted = chinese-reminder(@data, @keys);
# 6681669841357504673192908619871066558177944924838942629020


my @decrypted = @keys.map($encrypted mod *);
# [931074546 117172357 482333642 199386034 394354985]

Modular exponentiation and modular inversion

The sub power-mod extends the built-in sub expmod. The sub modular-inverse is based on power-mod.

expmod gives an error and no result when the 1st argument cannot be inverted with the last argument:

expmod(30, -1, 12)
#ERROR: Error in mp_exptmod: Value out of range
# Nil

power-mod returns Nil:

power-mod(30, -1, 12).defined
# False

There are several subs that provide functionalities related to number systems representation.

For example, here we find the digit-breakdown of $100!$:

# {0 => 30, 1 => 15, 2 => 19, 3 => 10, 4 => 10, 5 => 14, 6 => 19, 7 => 7, 8 => 14, 9 => 20}

Here is an example of using real-digits:

# ([1 2 3 5 5 5 5 5] 3)

Non-integer bases can be also used:

my $r = real-digits(π, ϕ);
# ([1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] 3)

Here we recover $\pi$ from the Golden ratio representation obtained above:

$r.head.kv.map( -> $i, $d { $d * ϕ ** ($r.tail - $i - 1)  }).sum.round(10e-12);
# 3.1415926535899996

The sub phi-number-system can be used to compute Phi number system representations:

.say for (^7)».&phi-number-system
# ()
# (0)
# (1 -2)
# (2 -2)
# (2 0 -2)
# (3 -1 -4)
# (3 1 -4)

Remark: Because of the approximation of the Golden ratio used in “Math::NumberTheory”, in order to get exact integers from phi-digits we have to round using small multiples of 10.



[RC1] Rosetta Code, Prime decomposition, Section "Pure Raku".

[RCp1] Raku Community, Math::Sequences Raku package, (2016-2024), GitHub/raku-community-modules.

[SSp1] Stephen Schulze, Prime::Factor Raku package, (2016-2023), GitHub/thundergnat.