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Raku package with sparse matrix algebra functions implemented in C.

The package is a "standalone" implementation of sparse matrix functionalities using Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format. The intent, though, is to use the class Math::SparseMatrix::Native::CSRStruct provided by this package in the general package "Math::SparseMatrix", [AAp1]. (See the section "Design" below.)

The core algorithms of the package follow the FORTRAN implementations given in the book "Sparse Matrix Technology" by Pissanetzky, [SP1].

This package should be compared -- and likely replaced -- with Raku package(s) interfacing sparse matrix algebra libraries, like, "SuiteSparse". (When/if such Raku packages are implemented.)

Remark: This package uses a C implementation based on standard C libraries ("math", "stdio", "stdlib", "string".) Hence, it should be cross platform.

Remark: Currently, on macOS, Apple's Accelerate library is not used. There are several reasons for this: (i) lack of appropriate documentation to sparse linear algebra in C, (i) using dense matrices for sparse matrix computations with its documented, older LAPACK interface libraries.

Usage examples

Make two random -- relatively large -- sparse matrices:

use Math::SparseMatrix::Native;
use Math::SparseMatrix::Native::Utilities;

my $nrow = 1000;
my $ncol = 10_000;
my $density = 0.005;
my $nnz = ($nrow * $ncol * $density).Int;
my $seed = 3432;

my $matrix1 = Math::SparseMatrix::Native::CSRStruct.new.random(:$nrow, :$ncol, :$nnz, :$seed);
my $matrix2 = Math::SparseMatrix::Native::CSRStruct.new.random(nrow => $ncol, ncol => $nrow, :$nnz, :$seed);

say (:$matrix1);
say (:$matrix2);
# matrix1 => Math::SparseMatrix::Native::CSRStruct(:specified-elements(50000), :dimensions((1000, 10000)), :density(0.005))
# matrix2 => Math::SparseMatrix::Native::CSRStruct(:specified-elements(50000), :dimensions((10000, 1000)), :density(0.005))

Remark: Compare the dimensions, densities, and the number of "specified elements" in the gists.

Here are 100 dot-products of those matrices (with timings):

my $tstart=now;
my $n = 100;
for ^$n {
my $tend=now;
say "Total time : {$tend - $tstart}";
say "Mean time  : {($tend - $tstart)/$n}"
# Total time : 0.186986415
# Mean time  : 0.00186986415


The primary motivation for implementing this package is the need to have fast sparse matrix computations.

The NativeCall class Math::SparseMatrix::Native::CSRStruct has Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format sparse matrix operations. The Adapter pattern is used to include Math::SparseMatrix::Native::CSRStruct into the Math::SparseMatrix hierarchy:

    class Abstract["Math::SparseMatrix::Abstract"] {

    class CSRStruct {
        <<C struct>>
    class NativeCSR["Math::SparseMatrix::CSR::Native"] {

    class NativeAdapater["Math::SparseMatrix::NativeAdapter"] {
    class SparseMatrix["Math::SparseMatrix"] {
        Abstract core-matrix
    NativeAdapater --> Abstract : implements
    SparseMatrix --> Abstract : Hides actual component class
    SparseMatrix *--> Abstract
    NativeAdapater *--> NativeCSR
    NativeCSR -- CSRStruct : reprents




[SP1] Sergio Pissanetzky, Sparse Matrix Technology, Academic Pr (January 1, 1984), ISBN-10: 0125575807, ISBN-13: 978-0125575805.


[AAp1] Anton Antonov, Math::SparseMatrix Raku package, (2024), GitHub/antononcube.