
In brief
This Raku package provides access to the answer engine Wolfram|Alpha, [WA1, Wk1].
For more details of the Wolfram|Alpha's API usage see the documentation, [WA2].
Remark: To use the Wolfram|Alpha API one has to register and obtain an authorization key.
Package installations from both sources use zef installer
(which should be bundled with the "standard" Rakudo installation file.)
To install the package from Zef ecosystem use the shell command:
zef install WWW::WolframAlpha
To install the package from the GitHub repository use the shell command:
zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-WWW-WolframAlpha.git
Usage examples
Remark: When the authorization key, auth-key
, is specified to be Whatever
then the functions wolfam-alpha*
attempt to use the env variable WOLFRAM_ALPHA_API_KEY
The package has an universal "front-end" function wolfram-alpha
for the
different endpoints provided by Wolfram|Alpha Web API.
(Plaintext) results
Here is a result call:
use WWW::WolframAlpha;
wolfram-alpha-result('How many calories in 4 servings of potato salad?');
# about 720 dietary Calories
Simple (image) results
Here is a simple call (produces an image):
wolfram-alpha-simple('What is popularity of the name Larry?', format => 'md-image');

Remark: Pretty good conjectures of Larry Wall's birthday year or age can be made using the obtained graphs.
Full queries
For the so called full queries Wolfram|Alpha returns complicated data of pods in either XML or JSON format;
see "Explanation of Pods".
Here we get the result of a full query and show its (complicated) data type (using "Data::TypeSystem"):
use Data::TypeSystem;
my $podRes = wolfram-alpha-query('convert 44 lbs to kilograms', output => 'json', format => 'hash');
# Assoc(Atom((Str)), Assoc(Vector(Atom((Str)), 18), Tuple([Atom((Int)) => 4, Atom((Rat)) => 2, Atom((Str)) => 10, Struct([count, template, type, values, word], [Int, Str, Str, Array, Str]) => 1, Tuple([Struct([error, expressiontypes, id, numsubpods, position, scanner, subpods, title], [Bool, Hash, Str, Int, Int, Str, Array, Str]), Struct([error, expressiontypes, id, numsubpods, position, primary, scanner, subpods, title], [Bool, Hash, Str, Int, Int, Bool, Str, Array, Str]), Struct([error, expressiontypes, id, numsubpods, position, scanner, states, subpods, title], [Bool, Array, Str, Int, Int, Str, Array, Array, Str]), Struct([error, expressiontypes, id, numsubpods, position, scanner, subpods, title], [Bool, Hash, Str, Int, Int, Str, Array, Str]), Struct([error, expressiontypes, id, numsubpods, position, scanner, states, subpods, title], [Bool, Hash, Str, Int, Int, Str, Array, Array, Str]), Struct([error, expressiontypes, id, numsubpods, position, scanner, subpods, title], [Bool, Array, Str, Int, Int, Str, Array, Str])]) => 1], 18), 18), 1)
Here we convert the query result into Markdown (data-translation
can be also used):
wolfram-alpha-pods-to-markdown($podRes, header-level => 4):plaintext;
scanner: Identity
convert 44 lb (pounds) to kilograms
scanner: Identity
19.96 kg (kilograms)
Additional conversions
scanner: Unit
3 stone 2 pounds
19958 grams
Comparison as mass
scanner: Unit
≈ 1.6 × mass of a Good Delivery gold bar ( 400 oz t )
scanner: Unit
Corresponding quantities
scanner: Unit
Relativistic energy E from E = mc^2:
| 1.794×10^18 J (joules)
| 1.12×10^37 eV (electronvolts)
Weight w of a body from w = mg:
| 44 lbf (pounds-force)
| 1.4 slugf (slugs-force)
| 196 N (newtons)
| 1.957×10^7 dynes
| 19958 ponds
Volume V of water from V = m/ρ_(H_2O):
| 5.3 gallons
| 42 pints
| 20 L (liters)
| 19958 cm^3 (cubic centimeters)
| (assuming conventional water density ≈ 1000 kg/m^3)
Command Line Interface
Playground access
The package provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) script:
wolfram-alpha --help
# Usage:
# wolfram-alpha [<words> ...] [--path=<Str>] [--output-format=<Str>] [-a|--auth-key=<Str>] [--timeout[=UInt]] [-f|--format=<Str>] [--method=<Str>] -- Command given as a sequence of words.
# --path=<Str> Path, one of 'result', 'simple', or 'query'. [default: 'result']
# --output-format=<Str> The format in which the response is returned. [default: 'Whatever']
# -a|--auth-key=<Str> Authorization key (to use WolframAlpha API.) [default: 'Whatever']
# --timeout[=UInt] Timeout. [default: 10]
# -f|--format=<Str> Format of the result; one of "json", "hash", "values", or "Whatever". [default: 'Whatever']
# --method=<Str> Method for the HTTP POST query; one of "tiny" or "curl". [default: 'tiny']
Remark: When the authorization key argument "auth-key" is specified set to "Whatever"
then wolfram-alpha
attempts to use the env variable WOLFRAM_ALPHA_API_KEY
Mermaid diagram
The following flowchart corresponds to the steps in the package function wolfram-alpha-query
graph TD
UI[/Some natural language text/]
TO[/"Wolfram|Alpha<br/>Processed output"/]
WR[[Web request]]
PJ[Parse JSON]
MSTC[Compose query]
MURL[[Make URL]]
QAK{Auth key<br>supplied?}
EAK[["Try to find<br>WOLFRAM_ALPHA_API_KEY<br>in %*ENV"]]
QEAF{Auth key<br>found?}
NAK[/Cannot find auth key/]
UI --> QAK
QAK --> |yes|MSTC
QAK --> |no|EAK
QEAF --> |no|NAK
QEAF --> |yes|TTC
TTC -.-> MURL -.-> WR -.-> TTC
WR -.-> |URL|WolframAlpha
WolframAlpha -.-> |JSON|WR
TTC --> Q
Q --> |yes|PJ
Q --> |no|TO
PJ --> TO
[AAp1] Anton Antonov,
Data::TypeSystem Raku package,
[WA1] Wolfram Alpha LLC, Wolfram|Alpha.
[WA2] Wolfram Alpha LLC, Web API documentation.
[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, WolframAlpha.