[Raku PDF Project]
/ [Font-FreeType Module]

Font-FreeType-raku - Raku binding to the FreeType font library (version 2)
Classes in this Distribution
use Font::FreeType;
my Font::FreeType $freetype .= new;
my $face = $freetype.face('t/fonts/Vera.ttf');
$face.set-font-size(12, 12, 72, 72);
for $face.glyph-images('ABC') {
my $outline = .outline;
my $bitmap = .bitmap;
# ...
This module allows Raku programs to conveniently read information from font files. All the font access is done through the FreeType2 library, which supports many formats. It can render images of characters with high-quality hinting and anti-aliasing, extract metrics information, and extract the outlines of characters in scalable formats like TrueType.
Please see Font::FreeType.
font-say [--resolution=<Int>] [--pixels=<Int] [--kern] [--hint] [--ascend=<Int>] [--descend=<Int>] [--char-spacing=<Int>] [--word-spacing=<Int>] [--bold=<Int>] [--mode=<Mode> (lcd lcd-v light mono normal)] [--verbose] <font-file> <text>
This script displays text as bitmapped characters, using a given font. For example:
% bin/font-say --hint --pixels=14 t/fonts/Vera.ttf 'FreeType!'
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Font::FreeType depends on the freetype native library, so you must install that prior to using this module.
Debian/Ubuntu Linux
sudo apt-get install freetype6-dev
Alpine Linux
doas apk add freetype-dev
Max OS X
brew update
brew install freetype
This module uses prebuilt DLLs on Windows. No additional configuration is needed.
To checkout and test this module from the Git repository:
$ git checkout https://github.com/pdf-raku/Font-FreeType-raku.git
$ zef build . # -OR- raku Build.rakumod
$ prove -e'raku -I .' -v t
Geoff Richards qef@laxan.com
Ivan Baidakou dmol@cpan.org
David Warring david.warring@gmail.com (Raku Port)
Copyright 2004, Geoff Richards.
Ported from Perl to Raku by David Warring david.warring@gmail.com Copyright 2017.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.