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MacOS::NativeLib - Make native libs reachable on MacOS


use MacOS::NativeLib 'libgd.3';  # make GD library accessible
use GD::Raw;                     # load raw GD support


MacOS has built-in security features that disallow loading native libraries unless they are in a trusted location, or if they are symlinked from a trusted location.

The most common way to install native libraries on MacOS is by using HomeBrew with the brew install command. The location at which these libraries are installed, are however NOT trusted by MacOS.

This module allows one to specify one or more library names that should be made reachable in the use statement. A symlink will then be installed if there is none already.

If this module is loaded on any OS other than MacOS, it is simply a no-op.

Any errors will be shown on STDERR, but will interrupt the further execution, so that any module actually depending on the reachability of a native library can use it's own checks and error reporting.


$ ensure-symlink-for libgd.3

This module also installs a command-line interface called ensure-symlink-for. It takes the same arguments as in the use statement, and will install the necessary symlinks if they did not exist yet.


Elizabeth Mattijsen liz@raku.rocks

Source can be located at: https://github.com/lizmat/MacOS-NativeLib . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.

If you like this module, or what I’m doing more generally, committing to a small sponsorship would mean a great deal to me!


Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Mattijsen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.