Rand Stats



Development of Collection Plugins

Table of Contents

Test new plugins
Collection plugin specification
Collection plugin tests
Collection-Plugin-Development utilities
sub prepare-plugins( :$from = '../raku-collection-plugins', :$to = 'lib', :$format = 'html' )
Naming of released plugin
Collection plugin management system
System implementation
Specification of manifest.rakuon file


The Collection module makes extensive use of plugins. They need developing and maintaining.

The intention is for this distribution (Collection-Plugin-Development) to be associated with the repository for the files to develop plugins, and the current working copies of plugins.

Another repository (Collection-Plugins) is the source for published / released Collection plugins.

Typically for a developer, there will be

So, the work flow is


This utility can be called with


prepare-plugins :rebuild

This creates a manifest.rakuon file in the -repo default.

The program can be called with -repo as specified above.

The program

It is left to the developer to git add/commit/push the files.

Test new plugins

There is a directory trial with a Website. The plugins are symlinked to lib/plugins/html. To test the plugins, use raku bin/run-collection-trial. This does not attempt to refresh the plugins from Collection::Plugins.

Collection plugin specification

All Collection plugins must conform to the following rules

Collection plugin tests

This distribution contains the module Test::CollectionPlugins with a single exported subroutine plugin-ok. This subroutine verifies that the plugin rules are kept for the plugin.

Additional plugin specific tests should be included.

Collection-Plugin-Development utilities

Three utilities are provided to add a new plugin, modify an existing plugin's config file (eg. change the version number), run the tests of all plugins, and prepare plugins for release

Each utility assumes the plugin directory is at lib/<format>/plugins, where the default format is html. An example of another format would be markdown.


The utility adds the necessary files (config.raku, README, a test file, and callables) for a milestone.

Only a plugin name (eg. my-new-plugin) is required, and a new html format plugin with a render milestone is set up. Eg.

add-collection-plugin my-new-plugin

An error will be shown if an existing plugin with the same name is present in the lib/html/plugins directory.

The config file will have the defaults of the other mandatory keys. See modify-collection-plugin-config for how to get the defaults.

For different milestones set the option -mile to the milestone name and a callable stub is also created.

add-collection-plugin -mile=setup my-new-plugin

The -mile option can take a list of milestones and form stubs for each, eg.

add-collection-plugin -mile='setup render compilation' my-new-plugin

If a new format is being developed, then set -format to the chosen format name, eg markdown. A plugin will then be added to lib/markdown/plugins. Eg. (for the default -mile=render)

add-collection-plugin -format=markdown my-new-markdown-plugin


This utility is intended to modify an existing plugin's config file, such as adding defaults if they are missing.

The utility cannot be used to modify a plugin's name key. It will add the directory name if a name key is missing.

To get a list of default attributes use

modify-collection-plugin-config -show-defaults

To modify a plugin specify the name with the option -plugin, eg.

modify-collection-plugin-config -plugin=an-existing-plugin -defaults

The plugin will be given defaults to all mandatory attributes, unless they already exist, in which case they are not changed.

To modify a specific attribute for a plugin use, for example,

modify-collection-plugin-config -plugin=an-existing-plugin -version=0.1.2

To bumps a plugin's patch version number, use

modify-collection-plugin-config -plugin=an-existing-plugin -bump

To modify the Major and Minor numbers use the -version option

To get help

modify-collection-plugin-config -help


All plugins must have a t/ directory and one test file. This utility runs all the test files of all the plugins, returning only minimal information if the tests pass, but more information if a test fails.

sub prepare-plugins( :$from = '../raku-collection-plugins', :$to = 'lib', :$format = 'html' )

The subroutine

Naming of released plugin

The name of a working plugin must match /^ <.alpha> <[\w] + [\-] - [\_]>+ $ /.

If a plugin my-plug has a config file with :version<1.2.3>, :auth<collection> , then the released name will be my-plug_v1_auth_collection

Collection plugin management system

It is planned to have GUI and a command line manager.

The local computer may contain

So a plugin manager (whether command line or GUI) must be compliant with the following system:

System implementation

Each Collection root directory (the directory containing the topmost config.raku file) will contain the file plugins.rakuon.

The file plugins.rakuon contains a hash with the following keys:

Some examples:

If the key for camelia in the hash for mode Website only contains an empty version key, then the defaults will be implied and a link (or copy) will be made between the released directory html/camelia_v2_auth_collection and Website/plugins/camelia

, :camelia( %( :major(1), ) ) > then the link will be between html/camelia_v1_auth_collection and Website/plugins/camelia

, :camelia( %( :auth, ) ) > then the link will be made between html/camelia_v2_auth_raku-dev and Website/plugins/camelia

, camelia( %( :name, :auth, ) ) > then a link (copy) is made between html/new-camelia_v2_auth_raku-dev and Website/plugins/camelia

*  Note how the auth must be given for a renaming if there is not a `collection` version of the plugin

Specification of manifest.rakuon file

manifest.rakuon evaluates to a Hash.

The keys of the Hash match the directory structure until the plugin names. Then there is a full version number. For example,

%( plugins => %(
    html => %(
        camelia_V0_auth_collection => %(
            version => '0.1.0'


The 'clean' directory structure is

The workflow is for changes to be made in Website, run run-collection-plugin, inspect the result in localhost:30000, and iterate.

Rendered from README at 2022-11-09T11:17:11Z