Revision history for Date-Calendar-Hebrew
0.1.0, released on Thursday 2024-12-19 or Yom Chamishi 18 Kislev 5785
- use file extensions '.rakumod' and '.rakutest' instead of '.pm6' and '.t'
- add a "daypart" method, so the "after sunset" dates will be properly converted from / to midnight-to-midnight calendars
0.0.4, released on Thursday 2024-10-24 or Yom Chamishi 22 Tishrey 5785
- add an "api" property to the classes
- migration from CPAN6 to zef
- fewer t/*.t tests and adding xt/*.t tests
0.0.3, released on Friday 2020-01-31 or Yom Shishi 05 Shvat 5780
- renaming the repository, using "raku" prefix instead of "p6"
- double-check typos in the month names and day names
- add abbreviations for the months
- better parameter checks
- use Date::Calendar::Strftime role to get a strftime method
0.0.2, released on Wednesday 2019-08-21 or Yom Reviʻi 20 Av 5779
- Fix typos in the documentation
- missing depency in META6.json
0.0.1, released on Tuesday 2019-07-23, or Yom Shlishi 20 Tamuz 5779
- Initial version