A Raku client for Server-Sent Events

use EventSource::Client;
react {
whenever => "") -> $event {
say "> " ~ $;
Server-Sent Events provide a mechanism for
timely delivery of server to client events over HTTP and can in some use-cases
be more convenient than a similar pattern implemented using Web Sockets and is
easier on the network than, for instance, HTTP polling by the client.
This library allows you to consume server sent events in a Raku program in
a reasonably idiomatic and reactive fashion.
Assuming you have a working Rakudo installation then you should be able to
install this with zef
zef install EventSource::Client
# Or from a local clone
zef install .
Please post any bugs, feature requests or patches at github
Copyright & Licence
This is free software, please see the LICENCE for details.
© Jonathan Stowe 2020-2021