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Shuffle Ethereum keystore with Raku

Raku module to manage Ethereum keystore.

Quick start

Keystore decryption

my $password  = 'node1';
my $decrypted = Node::Ethereum::KeyStore::V3.new(:keystorepath('./data/92745E7e310d18e23384511b50FAd184cB7CF826.keystore')).decrypt_key(:$password);


# Buf[uint8]:0x<63 27 35 B6 6A D8 75 10 8D EE F0 39 BE 85 5A AE 7F 70 26 53 FC C2 B2 EF B1 E5 66 6C 13 06 F2 FD>
# 632735b66ad875108deef039be855aae7f702653fcc2b2efb1e5666c1306f2fd

Plain secret encryption

my $secret     = '632735b66ad875108deef039be855aae7f702653fcc2b2efb1e5666c1306f2fd'
my $password   = 'node1';
my $key_crypto = Node::Ethereum::KeyStore::V3.new.keystore(:$password, :$secret);


# b6aa5d0dd018a000b4fd530db7d55b97d251238d37e2b6c0ee110de3bb524e85


Module Node::Ethereum::KeyStore::V3 is free and open source software, so you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0.


  1. https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/v1.13.5/accounts/keystore/passphrase.go#L200
  2. https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/accounts/keystore#DecryptKey
  3. https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition#scrypt
  4. https://raku-advent.blog/2023/12/18/dissecting-the-go-ethereum-keystore-files-using-raku-tools/


Please contact me via Matrix or LinkedIn. Your feedback is welcome at narkhov.pro.