Rand Stats


Revision history for Git-Blame-File

0.0.4  2022-08-04T21:37:46+02:00
    - Make installable with zef.  Previously, one could only install if
      doing a "zef install .", because the test assumed the files were
      unpacked in a git repo.  Moved the tests to author tests.

0.0.3  2022-08-04T00:16:46+02:00
    - Replace .Failure (which is pretty recent in Rakudo) by Failure.new
      Spotted by Márton Polgár.

0.0.2  2022-07-28T22:56:21+02:00
    - Add a lot of documentation
    - Simplify running git blame: indir() doesn't affect 'git blame'
      so don't bother with it
    - Switch .lines to 0-based indexing: this makes more sense in the end

0.0.1  2022-07-28T13:57:55+02:00
    - Initial version