Rand Stats


Revision history for JSON-Fast-Hyper

0.0.9  2024-08-21T21:03:21+02:00
    - Bump dependency on ParaSeq to get things in sync

0.0.8  2024-08-20T19:05:52+02:00
    - Bump dependency on ParaSeq to get things in sync

0.0.7  2024-08-03T12:08:59+02:00
    - Add dependency on ParaSeq
    - Improve speed of hypered JSON by about 20% by using ParaSeq's
      hyperize versus the standard .hyper functionality

0.0.6  2024-07-29T15:23:37+02:00
    - Update copyright year
    - Add separate CI badges for each OS
    - Add sponsor link and button

0.0.5  2023-06-01T12:17:54+02:00
    - Actually also use the correct version, duh!

0.0.4  2023-06-01T12:11:45+02:00
    - Upped dependency on JSON::Fast

0.0.3  2022-02-10T20:08:48+01:00
    - Upped dependency on JSON::Fast

0.0.2  2022-01-27T13:13:27+01:00
    - Added a "TECHNICAL BACKGROUND" section to the documentation

0.0.1  2022-01-26T20:36:55+01:00
    - Initial version