Rand Stats


Revision history for Map-Match

0.0.8  2024-12-14T19:31:17+01:00
    - Use a better way to handle ^ and $ anchors: since keys are
      null byte delimited, and thus are at a word boundary, it is
      easier to just use << for ^ and >> for $ without needing any
      additional checks

0.0.7  2024-12-03T12:30:04+01:00
    - Added support for directly calling the Map::Match object
      to allow for easier access to Map::Match features if Map::Match
      itself is not directly in scope

0.0.6  2024-11-29T15:39:36+01:00
    - Added support for ^ and $ anchors
    - Moved documentation to a separate file

0.0.5  2024-08-10T13:40:59+02:00
    - Upped dependency on Map::Agnostic to fix issue with calling
      .gist / .Str / .raku on type objects
    - Added sponsor button
    - Added CI badge for each OS
    - Updated email address
    - Updated copyright year

0.0.4  2023-12-19T11:16:21+01:00
    - Upped Map::Agnostic dependency, because we can
    - Updated copyright year
    - Added sponsor link

0.0.3  2022-01-27T14:29:10+01:00
    - Make string searches always be :ignorecase and :ignoremark
    - Updated copyright year

0.0.2  2021-12-20T13:14:42+01:00
    - Fixed regexes bleeding into different keys

0.0.1  2021-12-06T13:51:07+01:00
    - Initial version