Rand Stats


Revision history for highlighter

0.0.12  2022-07-19T14:11:31+02:00
    - Add support for "ends-with" as :type value

0.0.11  2022-07-16T13:20:22+02:00
    - Fix issue with highlighting on regexes: this feels like
      some kind of dispatch issue in Rakudo, so work around it
      for now

0.0.10  2022-07-16T12:13:01+02:00
    - Fix issue with "columns" on regexes

0.0.9  2022-07-14T15:40:02+02:00
    - Have columns($,&) return (0,) always, to indicate that
      the line matched, but could not tell where in the line

0.0.8  2022-07-14T15:21:03+02:00
    - Make column info 1-base, rather than 0-based, for easier
      interface with editors

0.0.7  2022-07-14T14:59:42+02:00
    - Add support for "columns" sub to just return the columns
      at which highlighting should occur

0.0.6  2022-07-09T13:55:05+02:00
    - Add support for :summary-if-larger-than named argument

0.0.5  2022-06-24T11:32:59+02:00
    - Remove dead code
    - Add support for ":only" named argument.

0.0.4  2022-06-23T11:08:04+02:00
    - Handle capture markers by reverting to using .match

0.0.3  2022-06-20T22:03:43+02:00
    - Add candidate for Callable as a needle

0.0.2  2022-06-19T22:34:42+02:00
    - Up dependency on "has-word"
    - Add sponsor link
    - Add support for :i for case insensitive
    - Add support for :m / :ignoremark for base characters only
    - Update copyright year

0.0.1  2021-12-21T22:28:09+01:00
    - Initial version