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Gnome::Gtk4 - Raku interface to the GTK toolkit



This package holds the native object description as well as the interface description to connect to the Gnome libraries. This set of modules will never act on their own. They will be used by other packages such as Gnome::Gtk4 and the like.


An example of a window showing two buttons is shown below. Its origin comes from the package GTK::Simple of Richard Hainsworth.

Some important things to note;


Loading the modules needed for the application.

use Gnome::Glib::N-MainLoop:api<2>;

use Gnome::Gtk4::Button:api<2>;
use Gnome::Gtk4::Window:api<2>;
use Gnome::Gtk4::Grid:api<2>;

use Gnome::N::GlibToRakuTypes:api<2>;
use Gnome::N::N-Object:api<2>;

# Convenience shortened class names
constant Window = Gnome::Gtk4::Window;
constant Button = Gnome::Gtk4::Button;
constant Grid = Gnome::Gtk4::Grid;

my Gnome::Glib::N-MainLoop $main-loop .= new-mainloop( N-Object, True);

Helper class to handle the events from the buttons

The first method stopit() is used to stop the application, triggered by a button on the decoration of the application. The second method b1-press() is called when the top button is pressed. After showing a message it will make the second button responsive and the top button is made insensitive. The third method b2-press() will also stop the program.

class SH {
  method stopit ( --> gboolean ) {
    say 'close request';


  method b1-press ( Button() :_native-object($button1), Button :$button2 ) {
    say 'button1 pressed';

  method b2-press ( ) {
    say 'button2 pressed';

# Instanciate the helper object
my SH $sh .= new;

Building the GUI

First the two buttons are created. Registration of the signal is using the methods in the SH class. The first three parameters are obliged and the named arguments are optional.

with my Button $button2 .= new-with-label('Goodbye') {
  .register-signal( $sh, 'b2-press', 'clicked');

with my Button $button1 .= new-with-label('Hello World') {
  .register-signal( $sh, 'b1-press', 'clicked', :$button2);

Next, the buttons are placed in a grid. The grid gets a wide empty area around the buttons.

with my Grid $grid .= new-grid {

  .attach( $button1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
  .attach( $button2, 0, 1, 1, 1);

Finally the grid is placed in a window. It gets a title in the decoration of the window and the button action in the decoration to stop the application will be processed by stopit().

with my Window $window .= new-window {
  .register-signal( $sh, 'stopit', 'close-request');
  .set-title('Hello GTK!');

Starting the application

To get everything visible and responsive we need to start the event loop. The call to $main-loop.quit(); in two of the methods in the SH class will cause the program to return from this call.




Use the following command to install Gnome::Gtk4:api<2> and all its dependencies.

zef install Gnome::Gtk4:api<2>


Name: Marcel Timmerman Github account name: MARTIMM


There are always some problems! If you find one please help by filing an issue at my github project root.
