Revision history for Net-NetRC
0.0.7 2024-07-02T12:08:26-03:00
- Consistent lincensing with my other projects
0.0.6 2022-04-29T07:35:29-03:00
- Fix `macdef` parsing and give them out in the result
0.0.5 2022-04-20T11:26:03-03:00
- Cleanup of bad %*ENV use
0.0.4 2022-04-20T09:52:18-03:00
- Cleanup and addition of macdef
0.0.3 2022-04-15T21:51:29-03:00
- Github link was mangled
0.0.2 2022-04-14T18:26:27-03:00
- Slightly improved testing and documentation
0.0.1 2022-04-13T16:18:39-03:00
- Initial version