Rand Stats


Revision history for Sparrow6


0.0.57 2025-13-02T23:49:00Z

    Automatically populate 
    file based repo if not exists

0.0.56 2025-03-01T23:10:00Z

    Add missing indexes
    for LNS search

0.0.55 2025-02-01T11:50:00Z

    Feature: SLN search
    Fix: fix range context
    calculation (fff)

0.0.54 2025-01-29T17:58:00Z

    Negation checks logic
    fixes (mostly for ranges 
    and blocks)

0.0.53 2025-01-29T02:30:00Z

    Allow negations within
    ranges and sequences

0.0.52 2025-01-28T13:20:00Z

    Add debug info for
    negation checks

0.0.51 2025-01-28T10:50:00Z

    Feature: task checks:

    cleanup - rm old files

0.0.50 2025-01-17T10:55:00Z

    move CI back to sparky
    internal code: perl6 -> raku

    show stdout/stderr when hook

0.0.49 2024-06-13T18:40:00Z

    tags() should be called
    as tags(:array) to handle
    tags in array style

0.0.48 2024-06-13T16:40:00Z

    tags() - Array support,
    so that `foo=1,foo=2,..` 
    gets converted into Array

0.0.47 2024-04-25T22:10:00Z

    Don't use Distribution::Resource Str method 
    in other places as well

0.0.46 2024-04-09T12:50:00Z

    tags() - Support of ,= symbols
    serialization to allow
    pass values containing thouse ones

0.0.45 2024-03-08T11:50:00Z

    Git DSL - tags support

0.0.44 2024-02-01T10:00:00Z

    DSL - disable default debug flag for ssh function 
    Don't use Distribution::Resource Str method

0.0.43 2024-01-03T12:00:00Z

    Fix for https://github.com/melezhik/sparky/issues/60
    Rename pm6 to rakumod

0.0.42 2023-09-28T08:00:00Z

    Rename internal pm/pm6 files to rakumod
    Migrate sparrowci to arm

0.0.41 2022-11-29T17:40:00Z

    Mentioning Golang support
    Remove travis badge 

0.0.40 2022-11-29T15:40:00Z

    License added

0.0.39 2022-10-28T23:08:00Z

    Tasks - Alternative config format support (config.raku)
    Tasks - binary tasks protocol support (experimental)
    Add sparrow.yaml to trigger build on SparrowCI

0.0.38 2022-08-03T02:38:00Z

    SP6_DUMP_TASK_CODE environment variable allows to
    dump code of Sparrow tasks automatically
    ( useful for r3tool )

    Improvement: Reports get more clear
    and understandable. First iteration. 

0.0.37 2022-07-11T21:35:04Z

    pl6 -> raku, Perl -> Raku renaming (1-st stage)
0.0.36 2022-02-12T17:33:04Z

    SP6_TAR_PATH environment variable support
    Improvement: respect spaces in SP6_TAGS
    Fix: remove unsupported Bool.new syntax in Sparrow6::DSL::Git
    Small documentation improvements     

0.0.35  2021-08-20T01:34:00Z

    Bugfix: rm `.checks/task.*` to cleanup old task check tasks and avoid conflicts when run another task check code gets run

0.0.34  2021-08-11T09:48:00Z

    Fix: change `.status` by `.exitcode` because `.status` is deprecated since Rakudo 2021.07
    Add `SP6_DEBUG_TASK_CHECK` environmental variable
    Add `ignore_task_check_error` - experimental, not documented feature, see `ssh-bulk-check` plugin

0.0.33  2021-06-30T01:24:00Z

    Introducing `SP6_FORMAT_TERSE`
    Colors support via `SP6_FORMAT_COLOR` variable

0.0.32  2020-11-18T21:18:07Z

    - Freezing Hash::Merge version

0.0.31  2020-11-04T19:00:51Z

    - Bugfix - add task name when SP6_LOG_NO_TIMESTAMPS is enabled

0.0.30  2020-10-17T03:32:13Z

    - Bug fix - fail fast if task checks fail
    - Introducing SP6_LOG_NO_TIMESTAMPS variable

0.0.29  2020-09-24T02:40:07Z

    - Args stringification - `--a=b` vs `--a b` support

0.0.28  2020-09-18T01:17:56Z

    - Documentation reworked and improved
    - `rakufile` support
    - `$task_root_dir/lib` gets added to `RAKULIB` env var
    - `s6` - add uninstall plugin action
    - `s6` - add plugin info action

0.0.27  2020-08-15T22:49:14-05:00

    - Fix failing python-puck test
    - More tests on stringifications
    - Clarifying Arrays VS Lists caveats in `args` stringification

0.0.26  2020-08-14T21:47:51-05:00

    - Stringification bugfix (decontainerization of list)

0.0.25  2020-07-15T16:25:37-05:00

    - Introducing sparrowdo tags

0.0.24  2020-06-17T21:15:49Z

    - Enable Raku tests

0.0.23  2020-06-17T21:11:10Z

    - Bug Fix: cache reset bug fixed

0.0.22  2020-06-03T22:25:32Z

    - Disable buffering when run sub process using Proc::Async

0.0.21  2020-05-30T19:50:47-05:00

    - New feature. s6 repo info.  
    - Fix travis build, switched to rakudist.raku.org

0.0.20  2020-05-12T01:55:57Z

    - Sequence bottom boundary bug fix

0.0.19  2020-03-17T18:51:34Z

    - Pyhton plugins - remove python2 support. Only python3 now is supported
    - Document integration with package managers (cpan,rubygems,pip)
    - Pass language related environments to Sparrow tasks (PERL5LIB,RUBYLIB,PYTHONPATH,PATH)
    - Fix bug in args stringification
    - Don't install dependencies again for already installed python based plugin

0.0.18  2020-03-16T14:17:44Z

    - Export pip environment to bash task
    - Export cpanfile environment to bash task
    - Export local bin/ to bash task PATH
    - Remove meaningless code from ruby task run command

0.0.17  2020-03-13T14:17:05Z

    - Task check - Range/Within search are now combined
    - Task check - Range/Within search - fixing issues for some edge scenarios 
    - Improve debugging of task checks
    - Added negative tests

0.0.16  2020-03-12T20:08:09Z

    - s6 install, s6 plg-run - various fixes for python based tasks
    - Sparrow6::Task::Check::Context::Range - continue to search within range even for failed streams
    - task check - logs stderr ( to help debug when task check fails )
    - s6 - upload, install plugin - full support of `--force` option
    - s6 - install, `--verbose` option
    - add useful debug message to Task Check Context for Seqs

0.0.15  2020-03-04T17:06:40Z

    - s6 cli - task list - regexp support

0.0.14  2020-03-03T23:37:38Z

    - s6 cli improvements - split by Sparrow/Raku tasks

0.0.13  2020-02-13T22:43:25Z

    - Workaround for some Windows tar version

0.0.12  2020-02-03T23:27:41Z

    - Improvement - don't handle SP6_CONFIG during a module load ( it leads to bugs in some cases )

0.0.11  2019-12-25T21:42:16-06:00

    - Bug Fix - `root@task` task-run
    - Erase context and streams when search fails in sequential mode

0.0.10  2019-10-29T19:10:58-06:00

    - Windows support ( partial )
    - Switch test suite to Tomty

0.0.9  2019-08-10T18:08:32-05:00

    - Refactoring: replace perl6 run by Proc::Async

0.0.8  2019-07-30T23:09:07-05:00

    - Revert powershell related changes made in 0.0.6 release,
      because it's not a blame of Sparrow6 that it hangs
      when executing _some_ Powershell commands
      that block console stdout, for example Invoke-WebRequest
      use $global:progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue' as a workaround
      see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18770723/hide-progress-of-invoke-webrequest

    - Use modules for Powershell harness ( glue.psm1 and sparrowlib.psm1 ) rather then scripts

0.0.7  2019-07-30T17:43:43Z

    - Bugfix: use module `glue` in Perl6 tasks

0.0.6  2019-07-29T21:04:41-05:00

    - Documenting Task Runner
    - New feature - reference to task within root through `root@task` notation
    - Fixing powershell weird behavior. Sparrow6 hangs when try to read stderr.
      Workaround: Now stderr redirected to stdout and stderr never captured.

0.0.5  2019-07-26T21:12:36-05:00

    - Bugfix: task-run multi methods now have signatures and work correctly
    - BugFix: args stringification now allows Pair in the args list

0.0.4  2019-07-18T12:41:59-05:00

    - Fix for {$.root}/lib/.precomp being messed with Perl6 tasks run

0.0.3  2019-07-18T04:12:08-05:00

    - Travis tests fixed
    - Documentation refinement
    - Args stringification implemented
    - Removed /home/melezhik/projects/sparrow6/examples/tasks/lib/,
      because it's caused weird failures in my tests,
      I should raise this issue with Perl6 community

0.0.2  2019-07-16T21:07:12-05:00

    - Restore original Readme

0.0.1  2019-07-16T20:55:42-05:00

    - First CPAN version