PrettyDump - represent a Raku data structure in a human readable way
Use it in the OO fashion:
use PrettyDump;
my $pretty = PrettyDump.new: :after-opening-brace;
my $raku = { a => 1 };
say $pretty.dump: $raku; # '{:a(1)}'
Or, use its subroutine:
use PrettyDump;
my $ds = { a => 1 };
say pretty-dump( $ds );
# setting named arguments
say pretty-dump( $ds, :indent<\t>);
Or, a shorter shortcut that dumps and outputs to standard output:
use PrettyDump;
my $ds = { a => 1 };
pd $ds;
This module creates nicely formatted representations of your data structure for your viewing pleasure. It does not create valid Raku code and is not a serialization tool.
When .dump
encounters an object in your data structure, it first checks for a .PrettyDump
method. It that exists, it uses it to stringify that object. Otherwise, .dump
looks for internal methods. So far, this module handles these types internally:
Custom dump methods
If you define a .PrettyDump
method in your class, .dump
will call that when it encounters an object in that class. The first argument to .PrettyDump
is the dumper object, so you have access to some things in that class:
class Butterfly {
has $.genus;
has $.species;
method PrettyDump ( PrettyDump $pretty, Int:D :$depth = 0 ) {
"_{$.genus} {$.species}_";
The second argument is the level of indentation so far. If you want to dump other objects that your object contains, you should call .dump
again and pass it the value of $depth+1
as it's second argument:
class Butterfly {
has $.genus;
has $.species;
has $.some-other-object;
method PrettyDump ( PrettyDump $pretty, Int:D :$depth = 0 ) {
"_{$.genus} {$.species}_" ~
$pretty.dump: $some-other-object, $depth + 1;
You can add a PrettyDump
method to an object with but role
use PrettyDump;
my $pretty = PrettyDump.new;
my Int $a = 137;
put $pretty.dump: $a;
my $b = $a but role {
method PrettyDump ( PrettyDump:D $pretty, Int:D :$depth = 0 ) {
"({self.^name}) {self}";
put $pretty.dump: $b;
This outputs:
(Int+{<anon|140644552324304>}) 137
Per-object dump handlers
You can add custom handlers to your PrettyDump
object. Once added, the object will try to use a handler first. This means that you can override builtin methods.
$pretty = PrettyDump.new: ... ;
$pretty.add-handler: "SomeTypeNameStr", $code-thingy;
The code signature for $code-thingy
must be:
(PrettyDump $pretty, $ds, Int:D :$depth = 0 --> Str)
Once you are done with the per-object handler, you can remove it:
$pretty.remove-handler: "SomeTypeNameStr";
This allows you to temporarily override a builtin method. You might want to mute a particular object, for instance.
You can completely ignore a type as if it's not even there. It's a wrapper around g that supplies the code for you.
$pretty.ignore-type: SomeType;
This works by returning a Str
type object instead of a defined string. If the type you want to exclude is at the top of the data structure, you'll get back a type object. But why are you dumpng something you want to ignore?
You can set some tidy-like settings to control how .dump
will present the data stucture:
Output debugging info to watch the module walk the data structure.
The default is a tab.
The spacing inserted inside (empty) ${}
and $[]
constructs. The default is the empty string.
The spacing inserted just after the opening brace or bracket of non-empty ${}
and $[]
constructs. The default is a newline.
The spacing inserted just before the close brace or bracket of non-empty ${}
and $[]
constructs. The default is a newline.
The spacing inserted just before the comma separator of non-empty ${}
and $[]
constructs. The default is the empty string.
The spacing inserted just after the comma separator of non-empty ${}
and $[]
constructs. Defaults to a newline.
brian d foy
Raku Community
This module started as Pretty::Printer
from Jeff Goff.
Parts of this module were supported by a grant from TPRF.
Copyright © 2017-2021, brian d foy
Copyright © 2024 Raku Community
This module is available under the Artistic License 2.0. A copy of this license should have come with this distribution in the LICENSE file.