WWW - No-nonsense, simple HTTPS client with JSON decoder
use WWW;
# Just GET content (will return Failure on failure):
say get 'https://httpbin.org/get?foo=42&bar=x', :SomeHeader<Value>;
# GET and decode received data as JSON:
say jget('https://httpbin.org/get?foo=42&bar=x')<args><foo>;
# POST content (query args are OK; pass form as named args)
say post 'https://httpbin.org/post?foo=42&bar=x', :some<form>, :42args;
# And if you need headers, pass them inside a positional Hash:
say post 'https://httpbin.org/post?foo=42&bar=x', %(:Some<Custom-Header>),
:some<form>, :42args;
# Same POST as above + decode response as JSON
say jpost('https://httpbin.org/post', :some<form-arg>)<form><some>;
# Also can post() or jpost() POST body directly as Str:D; headers passed as named args:
say jpost(
to-json({:42a, :foo<meows>}),
Import more HTTP methods using :extras
use WWW :extras;
say jdelete 'https://httpbin.org/delete';
say jput 'https://httpbin.org/put';
Exports a handful of routines to fetch data from online resources
using HTTP verbs and optionally decode the responses as JSON.
The module will set the User-Agent
header to Rakudo WWW
, unless you specify
that header.
On some operating systems you'll need libssl
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
Then just install the module with the module manager:
zef install WWW
To run the full test suite, set ONLINE_TESTING
environmental variable to 1
ONLINE_TESTING=1 zef install WWW
export tag
These routines get exported by default:
sub get($url where URI:D|Str:D, *%headers --> Str:D);
say get 'https://httpbin.org/get?foo=42&bar=x';
Takes either a Str
or a URI.
Returns Failure
if request fails or does not return a successful HTTP code.
Returns Str
with the data on success. Takes headers as named arguments.
say jget 'https://httpbin.org/get?foo=42&bar=x';
Same as get()
except will also decode the response as JSON and return
resultant data structure.
multi post($url where URI:D|Str:D, *%form --> Str:D);
multi post($url where URI:D|Str:D, %headers, *%form --> Str:D);
multi post($url where URI:D|Str:D, Str:D $form-body, *%headers --> Str:D);
say post 'https://httpbin.org/post?meow=moo', :72foo, :bar<♵>;
say post 'https://httpbin.org/post?meow=moo',
%(Content-type => 'application/json'), :72foo, :bar<♵>;
Takes either a Str
or a URI, followed
by an optional Hash
with HTTP headers to send. Form POST parameters can be
included as named arguments. It's fine to also include query arguments in the
URL itself. Returns Failure
if request fails or does not return a successful
HTTP code. Returns Str
with the data on success.
To send POST body directly, pass it as Str:D positional arg. In this calling
form, the headers are sent as named args.
multi jpost($url where URI:D|Str:D, *%form);
multi jpost($url where URI:D|Str:D, %headers, *%form);
multi jpost($url where URI:D|Str:D, Str:D $form-body, *%headers);
say jpost 'https://httpbin.org/post?meow=moo', :72foo, :bar<♵>;
say jpost 'https://httpbin.org/post?meow=moo',
%(Content-type => 'application/json'), :72foo, :bar<♵>;
Same as post()
except will also decode the response as JSON and return
resultant data structure.
say head 'https://httpbin.org/get?foo=42&bar=x';
Same as get
, except it does not actually download the content, just the head.
These routines get exported in addition to the :DEFAULT
exports, when
export tag is requested:
use WWW :extras;
multi put($url where URI:D|Str:D, *%form --> Str:D);
multi put($url where URI:D|Str:D, %headers, *%form --> Str:D);
multi put($url where URI:D|Str:D, Str:D $form-body, *%headers --> Str:D);
say put 'https://httpbin.org/put?meow=moo', :72foo, :bar<♵>;
say put 'https://httpbin.org/put?meow=moo',
%(Content-type => 'application/json'), :72foo, :bar<♵>;
Takes either a Str
or a URI, followed
by an optional Hash
with HTTP headers to send. Form PUT parameters can be
included as named arguments. It's fine to also include query arguments in the
URL itself. Returns Failure
if request fails or does not return a successful
HTTP code. Returns Str
with the data on success.
To send PUT body directly, pass it as Str:D positional arg. In this calling
form, the headers are sent as named args.
multi jput($url where URI:D|Str:D, *%form --> Str:D);
multi jput($url where URI:D|Str:D, %headers, *%form --> Str:D);
multi jput($url where URI:D|Str:D, Str:D $form-body, *%headers --> Str:D);
say jput 'https://httpbin.org/put?meow=moo', :72foo, :bar<♵>;
say jput 'https://httpbin.org/put?meow=moo',
%(Content-type => 'application/json'), :72foo, :bar<♵>;
Same as put()
except will also decode the response as JSON and return
resultant data structure.
sub delete($url where URI:D|Str:D, *%headers --> Str:D);
say delete 'https://httpbin.org/get?foo=42&bar=x';
Takes either a Str
or a URI.
Returns Failure
if request fails or does not return a successful HTTP code.
Returns Str
with the data on success; if response for a 204 No Content
returns an empty string. Takes headers as named arguments.
say jdelete 'https://httpbin.org/get?foo=42&bar=x';
Same as delete()
except will also decode the response as JSON and return
resultant data structure.
You probably want to use delete()
instead, as DELETE
requests can get
return no content, causing JSON parse failures.
Due to nuances of upstream code, currently any non-RFC-conformant URL will
be rejected; you have to ensure it's proper manually. Patches welcome.
Fork this module on GitHub:
To report bugs or request features, please use
Zoffix Znet (http://perl6.party/)
Now maintained by the Raku community as part of the Raku community modules
You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the
The Artistic License 2.0. See the LICENSE
file included in this
distribution for complete details.
The META6.json
file of this distribution may be distributed and modified
without restrictions or attribution.