Rand Stats


Revision history for Karabiner-CompModGenerator

0.0.7  2022-01-13T10:33:41-05:00
    - doc tweaks
    - fix bug with resources not getting found

0.0.6  2022-01-13T09:56:47-05:00
    - fix doc formatting

0.0.5  2022-01-13T09:37:19-05:00
    - improve documentation
    - ignore blank lines in config file
    - trim config file lines
    - improve code style

0.0.4  2022-01-13T00:55:46-05:00
    - improve documentation
    - allow all modifier keys

0.0.3  2022-01-13T00:35:09-05:00
    - workflow fixes
    - adjustments to meta file
    - test for OS
    - minor test tweaks

0.0.2  2022-01-12T19:24:04-05:00
    - README fixes

0.0.1  2022-01-12T18:11:34-05:00
    - Initial version