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Karabiner::CompModGenerator - Generate complex modifcations for the Karabiner-Elements app on macOS


From the command line:

kcmg your_config_file.txt


This module generates json files containing complex modifications for use with the the Karabiner-Elements app on macOS.

The module makes it exceedingly easy to create and update useful complex modifications. The modification files are generated from templates, so the modifications you can generate are limited by the templates provided by the module, which currently include:

More templates will be added in the future as well as a way to create plugins for this module for adding additional templates.

Follow the USAGE instructions below for more details.


There are a few easy steps to generating the complex modification files:

  1. write the configuration file

  2. run the kcmg command, followed by the name of your configuration file, to create the json file containing the modifications

  3. install the json file into Karabiner-Elements configuration directory

  4. open Karabiner-Elements and load the new rules

The json file created by the command in step 2 above will be saved to the same directory your the command from with the same base file name as your configuration file but with a '.json' file extension. Place this file into your Karbiner-Elements configuration directory. By default, this directory is at ~/.config/Karabiner/assets/complex_modifications. Now you can open Karabiner-Elements and do the following:

  1. click the "Complex Modifications" tab

  2. click the "Add rule" button

  3. click "Enable" for all the rules or individual rules you wish to use

Writing a configuration file

A configuration is just a simple text file that provides text strings to be inserted into the templates. You cna use any text editor to create the configurations.

Here is a sample configuration file:

# lines beginning with the '#' character get ignored
# The '*' indicates an optional field
# 1st app name,2nd app name*,key,modifier*
Adobe Photoshop 2021,Preview,p,command

The first two lines that begin with the '#' sign are are comments and are ignored.

The next two lines create the following three shortcuts:

Notice the second app name is optional. If only one app name is provided, only one shortcut (double tap) will be generated. If two app names are provided, the first app is assigned to the double tap shortcut and the second app is assigned to the triple tap shortcut.

The "modifier" argument is also optional. If not provided, it defaults to the "command" key. You may use "option," "control," "shift," or "command" for the modifier.

IMPORTANT: Ensure no spaces exists before and after the commas.

PRO TIP: You must type in the exact name of the app. To ensure you get the correct app name, use the Karabiner-EventViewer helper app that was installed along with the Karabiner-Elements apps.


If you don't have Raku installed, it's easiest to install with homebrew if you already have brew installed:

brew install rakudo-star

If you don't have brew installed, install it with:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

For other options for installing Raku, see read this page.. Whatever way you choose, just be sure the zef command is installed on your machine as well.

Once Raku is installed, install the module with: zef install Karabiner::CompModGenerator

Now follow the USAGE instructions below to learn how to generate files.


Steve Dondley s@dondley.com


Copyright 2022 Steve Dondley

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.