This implementation of an AVL Tree has been uploaded to rosettacode.org.
It was initially a translation of the Java version on Rosetta Code. In addition to the translated code, other public methods have been added as shown by the leading asterisk in the following list of all public methods:
insert node
delete node
show all node keys
show all node balances
*delete nodes by a list of node keys
*find and return node objects by key
*attach data per node
*return list of all node keys
*return list of all node objects
See the example in the Github repository and on Rosetta Code.
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use AVL-Tree;
# ...create a tree and some nodes...
my $tree = AVL-Tree.new;
$tree.insert: 1;
$tree.insert: 2, :data<some important tidbit of knowledge>;
$my $n = $tree.find: 2;
say $n.data;
some important tidbit of knowledge
Thanks for help from IRC #raku
(for the idea and check of the initial version)
Tom Browder, (tbrowder@acm.org)
Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Tom Browder, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Raku itself with the following exception:
The code for the methods without a leading asterisk in the list above are covered by the GNU Free Document License 1.2.