Date::Event - Provides a class suitable for use with calendars or any program using the Raku Date
use Date::Event;
my $date = Date.new: :year(2024), :month(12), :day(31);
# Enter an Etype with a known enum EType name:
my $e = Date::Event.new: :$date, :Etype<Birthday>;
# Enter an Etype with a known enum EType number
my $e2 = Date::Event.new: :$date, :name<Easter>,:Etype(12); # Liturgy
# Smart match on the enum attribute
if $e2.Etype ~~ Liturgy {
say $e2.name; # OUTPUT: «Easter»
Date::Event is a class that provides basic attributes to describe an event occurring on a particular Date
. It is suitable for multiple instances on a Date
and is currently defined as follows:
unit class Date::Event;
enum EType is export (
Unknown => 0,
Birth => 1,
Christening => 2,
Baptism => 3,
BarMitzvah => 4,
BatMitzvah => 5,
Graduation => 6,
Wedding => 7,
Anniversary => 8,
Retirement => 9,
Death => 10,
Birthday => 11,
Liturgy => 12,
Holiday => 100,
Astro => 150,
Other => 200,
has Str $.set-id = "";
has Str $.id = "";
has Str $.name; = "";
has Str $.short-name = "";
has $.Etype = 0;
has Date $.date;
has Date $.date-observed;
has Str $.notes = "";
has Bool $.is-calculated = False;
# For use with Date::Utils:
has UInt $.nth-value;
has UInt $.nth-dow;
has UInt $.nth-month-number;
# Attributes for Astro events:
has Numeric $.lat where { -90 <= $_ <= 90 };
has Numeric $.lon where { -180 <= $_ <= 180 };
has DateTime $.time;
submethod TWEAK {
$!Etype = self.etype($!Etype)
multi method etype(Str $v? --> UInt) {
my %m = EType.enums;
if $v.defined {
return %m{$v}
else {
return %m{self.Etype}
multi method etype(UInt $v? --> EType) {
if $v.defined {
return EType($v)
else {
return EType(self.Etype)
method lat(Numeric $v?) {
if $v.defined {
$!lat = $v
else {
return $!lat
method lon(Numeric $v?) {
if $v.defined {
$!lon = $v
else {
return $!lon
# A default event is normally set on a certain date. Many holidays
# are an exception in that they are calculated based on one or more
# date criteria or conversion from another calendar (e.g., from Jewish
# to Gregorian). }
#= Enable the user to change the attribute
#= during development
method is-calculated(Bool $v?) {
if $v.defined {
$!is-calculated = $v
else {
return $!is-calculated
Published modules showing similar use are 'Holidays::US:Federal' and 'Holidays::Miscellaneous'. They include special databases that use the 'Date::Event' class to provide a common interface (API) for working with dates. Those modules are being integrated into the next version of published module 'Calendar'.
Tom Browder tbrowder@acm.org
© 2023-2024 Tom Browder
This library is free software; you may redistribute it or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.