Rand Stats


Revision history for SelectiveImporting

0.1.0  2022-03-02T23:56:26+08:00
    - add more test
    - update README

0.0.5  2022-02-23T16:20:04+08:00
    - add test for postfix...
    - update README

0.0.4  2022-02-02T21:26:30+08:00
    - skip World.import if no items to be installed
    - fix an issue so as to disable sub EXPORT by default
    - update README

0.0.3  2022-02-01T15:34:28+08:00
    - break changes (need :select(...) in use statement)
    - support sub EXPORT
    - support importing tags
    - update README

0.0.2  2022-01-30T01:23:48+08:00
    - Update README

0.0.1  2022-01-30T00:18:11+08:00
    - Initial version