Revision history for Game-Amazing 0.9.0 [9. December 2020] - Initial version 0.9.01 [12. December 2020] - #18 Fix JSON quotation in META file 0.9.02 [15. December 2020] - #1 Difficulty method - #2 Maze rotation - #3 Maze flip - #10 Shortest path length (and coverage %) - #11 Difficiulty rating - #13 Faster coverage map - #19 New methods 'get-path' and 'get-coverage' 0.9.03 [9. January 2021] - #8 A better colour scheme - #9 Highlight of entrance and exit - #12 Help window for Edit mode - #20 Add "File::Temp" as a dependency in META6.json - #21 Add verbose mode 0.9.04 [24. January 2021] - #5 A better colour scheme - #17 Enforce .maze filename extension - #23 Dynamic entrance and exit placement - #24 User specified corners for entrance and exit on random mazes 0.9.05 [13. February 2021] - #25 Maze rotation is broken - #26 Add support of .new on existing maze objects (where missing)