Rand Stats

The uploading author of cpan:JMERELO does not match the META author of github:JJ.


2019-03-30  Juan J. merelo  

	* lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Simple.pm6: Adds leading-ones, besides having added before a few goodies, such as selectorecombinative algorithm. 

2018-08-09  Juan J. merelo  

	* META6.json: Adds a new dependency, a logger, to the set of dependencies. 

2018-03-19  Juan J. merelo  

	* examples/max-ones.p6: Tests with new Perl6 version and Bags
	perl6 -Ilib examples/max-ones.p6  6,62s user 0,06s system 102% cpu 6,517 total

	Although 6 seconds for a small algorithms is nothing to be terribly proud of... Concurrency is needed. 

	* lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Simple.pm6 (Algorithm): Getting ready for the next version. I'll try to make a few adjustments.
	Result of timing it:

	perl6 -Ilib examples/max-ones.p6  8,70s user 0,10s system 104% cpu 8,419 total

	It will probably have to improve a little bit.

	Changes to Bag from BagHash. New timing:

	perl6 -Ilib examples/max-ones.p6  6,36s user 0,06s system 102% cpu 6,257 total
	* example/max-ones.p6: Example tested and ready to run

Revision history for Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple

0.0.8  2019-03-30T08:41:56+01:00
    - Initial version