Rand Stats




FanFou is a oauth client inspared by fanfou-py.

The module provides several ways to authorize, see Fanfou API OAuth for more details.

Write Your Own Robot


use FanFou;
my %oauth_consumer = key => 'your_consumer_key', secret => 'your_secret_key';

# get client
my $client = FanFou::XAuth.new(oauth_consumer => %oauth_consumer, username => 'your_username', password => 'your_password');

# get response
my $resp = from-json await $client.request('/statuses/home_timeline', 'GET').body-text;
say $resp.perl;

# post a message
my %body = 'status' => "Hi, fan, I'm a robot";
$client.request('/statuses/update', 'POST', %body);

You can use Terminal::ANSIColor and Terminal::Spinners for better format and experience:

use FanFou;
use JSON::Fast;
use Terminal::ANSIColor;
use Terminal::Spinners;

sub MAIN($str?) {
    my %oauth_consumer = key => 'xxx', secret => 'xxx';
    my $client = FanFou::XAuth.new(oauth_consumer => %oauth_consumer, username => 'xxx', password => 'xxx');

    if $str.defined {
        # post a message
        my %body = 'status' => "$str";
        $client.request('/statuses/update', 'POST', %body);
    } else {

        my $dots = Spinner.new: type => 'dots';
        my $promise = start {
            my $resp = from-json await $client.request('/statuses/home_timeline', 'GET').body-text;
            say '';
            for @$resp.sort(*.{'user'}.{'unique_id'}) -> $p {
                say '[' , colored("{$p.{'user'}.{'name'}}", "{(^256).pick}"), '] ', $p.{'text'};
        }; # promise of your long running process
        until $promise.status {
            $dots.next; # prints the next spinner frame



Copyright 2018

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.