Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
Needle::Compile 0.0.8 Compile a search needle specification
ParaSeq 0.2.7 Parallel execution of Iterables
LLM::DWIM 0.0.2 Do What I Mean, with help from large language models
LLM::DWIM 0.0.1 Do What I Mean, with help from large language models
JSON::Fast::Hyper 0.0.8 Read/Write hyperable JSON
App::Rak 0.3.12 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
App::Rak 0.3.11 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
rak 0.0.62 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
ParaSeq 0.2.6 Parallel execution of Iterables
App::Rak 0.3.10 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
String::Utils 0.0.28 Provide some optimized string functions
App::Rak 0.3.9 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
rak 0.0.61 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
App::Rak 0.3.8 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
Alma * Small experimental language with a license to macro
App::Rak 0.3.7 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
App::Rak 0.3.6 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
String::Utils 0.0.27 Provide some optimized string functions
rak 0.0.60 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
Locale::Codes::Country 0.0.2 A pure Raku library implementing the ISO-3166 standard
DSL::English::RecommenderWorkflows 0.6.4 Recommender workflows building with natural language commands.
DSL::English::LatentSemanticAnalysisWorkflows 0.8.1 Latent Semantic Analysis workflows building by natural language commands.
DSL::English::QuantileRegressionWorkflows 0.8.2 Quantile Regression workflows building by natural language commands.
DSL::English::ClassificationWorkflows 0.1.5 Classification workflows building by natural language commands.
App::Rak 0.3.5 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
App::AizuOnlineJudge 0.0.6 A Raku implementation of the unofficial code submitter for Aizu Online Judge( http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/index.jsp ).
highlighter 0.0.21 highlight something inside a string
App::Rak 0.3.4 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
Needle::Compile 0.0.7 Compile a search needle specification
highlighter 0.0.20 highlight something inside a string
String::Utils 0.0.26 Provide some optimized string functions
Needle::Compile 0.0.6 Compile a search needle specification
has-word 0.0.6 A quick non-regex word-boundary checker
has-word 0.0.5 A quick non-regex word-boundary checker
IO::Prompt 0.0.3 This is a generic module for interactive prompting from the console.
Needle::Compile 0.0.5 Compile a search needle specification
YAMLScript 0.1.71 Program in YAML — Code is Data
App::Rak::Complete 0.0.12 App::Rak with all its optional dependencies
Git::Blame::File 0.0.10 Who did what and when on a file in a Git repository
path-utils 0.0.20 low-level path introspection utility functions
Concurrent::PriorityQueue 0.0.1 provide a thread-safe priority queue
Acme::Text::UpsideDown 0.0.8 provide logic to turn ASCII text upside-down
Locale::Codes::Country 0.0.1 A pure Raku library implementing the ISO-3166 standard
Math::DistanceFunctions::Edit 0.1.1 Raku package of fast Damerau-Levenshtein distance functions based on C code via NativeCall.
Pod::EOD 0.1.1 Moves declarative POD blocks to the end of the POD
Algorithm::LCS 0.1.1 Implementation of the longest common subsequence algorithm
Algorithm::Elo 0.1.1 Implementation of the Elo chess rating system
Redis 0.1.2 a Raku binding for Redis
Hash::Ordered 0.0.8 role for ordered Hashes
Hash::Agnostic 0.0.17 be a hash without knowing how