Rand Stats


Revision history for App-Tasks

0.4.0  2023-10-31T22:08:58-06:00
    - Add a congratulations note to task monitor when all tasks are

0.3.2  2023-07-12T15:11:46-04:00
    - [bugfix] Fix link to Github

0.3.1  2023-05-26T20:30:00-0700
    - [bugfix] Fix broken dependency

0.3.0  2023-01-15T11:45:37-07:00
    - Initial Trello syncronization (one-way)
    - [bugfix] Config file reader now tests for readability rather than
      existance of config files.
    - Config files can now be split into "public" and "secret" parts
      which may be useful for people who use github or similar to manage
      their dotfiles.  ~/.task.yaml continues to be the main config file,
      but if ~/.task.secret.yaml exists, it can contain additional
      configuration that is merged with the contents of .task.yaml (using

0.2.1  2023-01-08T23:17:05-07:00
    - [bugfix] Avoid "monitor" deadlock

0.2.0  2023-01-08T22:47:44-07:00
    - Add "monitor" section to YAML config file, with one parameter,
      "display-time".  Default is "Yes", but if "No" is specified,
      time is no longer displayed with "task monitor" output.
    - [bugfix] Do not redraw screen when nothing has changed in
    - In "monitor" mode, ctrl-l will redraw the screen

0.1.1  2022-12-20T16:33:00Z
    - Ignore leading & trailer spaces on header lines when deciding
      whether or not to remove these lines (justifying the first
      line in nano will add a space to the end of the header lines)
    - Upload to ecosystem

0.0.19  2021-01-18T13:25:04-07:00
    - Configure nano to word wrap by default (nano >= 3.0 changed
      defaults to not automatically word wrap)

0.0.18  2021-01-05T10:19:06-07:00
    - Provide more useful error messages if .task directory doesn't

0.1.0  2022-12-20T16:27:03Z
    - Move to Raku module ecosystem

0.0.17  2020-01-18T23:56:03Z
    - Rename Git Hub repo to reflect language name

0.0.16  2019-08-31T20:50:19-06:00
    - Enhance input checking for task list

0.0.15  2019-04-28T13:14:39-06:00
    - [refactor] Adopt new P5localtime interface

0.0.14  2018-11-27T09:56:51-07:00
    - [BUGFIX] Closing or adding a note to a non-existent task now gives
      a more friendly error message without a stack trace.

0.0.13  2018-11-22T13:01:44-07:00
    - [BUGFIX] Tags should always be sorted before display in --list

0.0.12  2018-11-18T10:11:30-07:00
    - [Feature] Allow some tags to be ignored automatically in --list
      and --monitor.
    - [BUGFIX] Could not interactively supply tag name in add/remove-tag

0.0.11  2018-11-17T20:44:30-07:00
    - [Feature] Implement tag functionality

0.0.10  2018-10-29T21:14:58-06:00
    - [BUGFIX] Tests did not pass near end of month
    - [BUGFIX] 6.d compatibility fixes

0.0.9  2018-10-19T13:52:18-06:00
    - [BUGFIX] Tasks with no display frequency now properly display

0.0.8  2018-10-18T21:20:43-06:00
    - Implement "display frequency".  You can set this frequency with a
      task, representing how often the task will display. For instance, to
      a task every 3 days, set to "3".  The start day is based on the task-id,
      so it is essentially random.
    - Add task IDs to task format. These are just used internally right

0.0.7  2018-10-14T21:31:37-06:00
    - Add a blank line in between notes when displaying a task that has
      more than one note.
    - Improve error diagnostics on task show 

0.0.6  2018-10-08T21:43:00-06:00
    - [BUGFIX] get-task-filename() should never return an empty result.
    - Configuration via $*HOME/.task.yaml of editor and pager commands

0.0.5  2018-10-06T15:54:27-06:00
    - Coloraization is configurable via $*HOME/.task.yaml file

0.0.4  2018-09-30T15:11:40-06:00
    - [BUGFIX] Tasks with a not-before date in the past weren't showing
      properly in "list".
    - [BUGFIX] Tests failed when run on the last day of the month.

0.0.3  2018-09-25T11:32:57-06:00
    - Fix broken CLI

0.0.2  2018-09-25T11:24:45-06:00
    - Added --maturity=date= command line option to "new" command
    - Documentation fixes

0.0.1  2018-09-21T19:22:29-06:00
    - Initial version