Provide a Raku interface to the Soundcloud REST API.

You can use the Full OAuth flow:
use WebService::Soundcloud;
my $scloud = WebService::Soundcloud.new(:$client-id, :$client-secret, redirect-uri => 'http://mydomain.com/callback' );
# Now get authorization url
my $authorization_url = $scloud.get-authorization-url();
# Now your appplication should redirect the user to the authorization uri
# When the User has authenticated and approved the connection they will
# in turn be redirected back to your redirect URI with either the grant code
# (as code) or an error (as error) as query parameters
# Get Access Token with the code provided as query parameter to the redirect
my $access_token = $scloud.get-access-token($code);
# Save access_token and refresh_token, expires_in, scope for future use
my $oauth_token = $access_token<access_token>;
# a GET request '/me' - gets users details
my $user = $scloud->get('/me');
# a PUT request '/me' - updated users details
my $user = $scloud->put('/me', to-json( { user => { description => 'Have fun with the Raku wrapper to Soundcloud API' } } ) );
# Comment on a Track PoSt request usage
my $comment = $scloud->post('/tracks/<track_id>/comments',
{ body => 'I love this hip-hop track' } );
# Delete a track
my $track = $scloud->delete('/tracks/{id}');
or you can use direct credential based authorisation that can skip the redirections:
use WebService::Soundcloud;
my $sc = WebService::Soundcloud.new(:$client-id,:$client-secret,:$username,:$password);
# Because the credentials were provided the access-token can be requested directly
# without the need for a grant code
my $token = $sc.get-access-token();
my $me = $sc.get-object('/me');
my $tracks = $sc.get-list('/me/tracks');
This provides an interface to the Soundcloud
API, managing
the authorisation, connection and marshalling of the data.
You can build client side applications that authenticate with user
credentials or server applications that use the full OAuth authorization.
In order to use this module you will need to register your application
with Soundcloud at http://soundcloud.com/you/apps : your application will
be given a client ID and a client secret which you will need to use to
connect. The client ID used in the tests will not work correctly for your
own application as the callback URI is set to 'localhost'.
If you have a working Rakudo installation can install directly with "zef":
# From the source directory
zef install .
# Remote installation
zef install WebService::Soundcloud
Suggestions/patches are welcomed via github at:
This is free software.
Please see the LICENCE file in the distribution
© Jonathan Stowe 2015 - 2021