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Trove test harness


Yet another test harness written in Raku language and inspired by bash driven test tool built for Pheix content management system.

Generally Trove is based on idea to create the wrapper over the unit tests in t folder. But with out-of-the-box Gitlab or Github CI/CD integration, extended logging and test-dependable options.

Trove includes trove-cli script as a primary worker for batch testing. It iterates over pre-configured stages and runs specific unit test linked to the stage. trove-cli is console oriented — all output is printed to STDOUT and STDERR data streams. Input is taken from command line arguments.


Trove Christmas recipes at Raku Advent 2022 blog: https://raku-advent.blog/2022/12/14/day-14-trove-yet-another-tap-harness


  1. Command line arguments
  2. Test configuration files — JSON & YAML
  3. Test coverage management
  4. Log test session
  5. Integration with CI/CD environments

Command line arguments


To bring colors to the output -c option is used:

trove-cli -c --f=`pwd`/run-tests.conf.yml --p=yq

Stages management

To exclude specific stages from test -s option is used:

trove-cli -c --s=1,2,4,9,10,11,12,13,14,25,26 --f=`pwd`/run-tests.conf.yml --p=yq

File processor configuration

trove-cli takes test scenario from configuration file. Default format is JSON, but you can use YAML on demand, for now JSON::Fast and YAMLish processing modules (processors) are integrated. To switch between the processors the next command line options should be used:

Versions consistency

To verify the version consistency on commit, the next command line options should be used:

trove-cli -c --g=~/git/raku-foo-bar --v=1.0.0

Target configuration file

By default the next configuration targets are used:

These paths are used to test Trove itself with:

cd ~/git/raku-trove && bin/trove-cli -c && bin/trove-cli -c --p=yq

To use another configuration file you have to specify it via --f option:

trove-cli --f=/tmp/custom.jq.conf

First stage logging policy

trove-cli is obviously used to test Pheix. First Pheix testing stage checks www/user.rakumod script with:

    raku $WWW/user.raku --mode=test # WWW == './www'

This command prints nothing to standard output and eventually nothing is needed to be saved to log file. By default first stage output is ignored. But if you use Pheix Tests tool to test some other module or application, i might be handy to force save first stage output. This is done by -l command line argument:

trove-cli --f=/tmp/custom.jq.conf -l

In case the stage with blank output is not skipped it's taken into coverage scope but marked as WARN in trove-cli output:

01. Testing ./www/user.raku                                [ WARN ]
02. Testing ./t/cgi/cgi_post_test.sh                       [ 6% covered ]

Origin repository

By default origin repository is set up to git@github.com:pheix/raku-trove.git and you can change it to any value you prefer by -o argument:

trove-cli --f=/tmp/custom.jq.conf --o=git@gitlab.com:pheix/net-ethereum-perl6.git

Test configuration files — JSON & YAML

Configuration file sections


explore section is used to build test plan with test stages automatically. Consider a Perl module with some tests within ./t folder — two options for you: add every unit test as stage manually or just configure some universal stage setup under the explore section.

target: Trivial one-liner test
  base: ./t
  pattern: (<[0..9]>+)\.t
  interpreter: perl
  recursive: 1

By default interpreter is raku, and recursive is disabled.

Stage and substage

Mix it up!

You can mix explore and stages sections to flexibly cover some edge test cases like:

target: Trivial one-liner test
  base: ./t
  pattern: (0 <[0..9]> ** 1..1)\.t
  - test: 'raku ./t/11.t $INPUT'
      - INPUT

In this sample Trove will automatically add stages for ./t/00.t ... ./t/09.t unit tests and will run one manually added stage with additional input argument from environmental variable for ./t/11.t unit test.

Trivial test configuration example

Trivial multi-interpreter one-liner test configuration file is included to Trove:

target: Trivial one-liner test
  - test: raku  -eok(1); -MTest
  - test: perl6 -eis($CONSTANT,2); -MTest
      - CONSTANT
  - test: perl  -eok(3);done_testing; -MTest::More

Test command to be executed:

CONSTANT=2 && trove-cli --f=/home/pheix/git/raku-trove/x/trove-configs/test.conf.yaml.explorer --p=yq -c

Pheix test suite configuration files

Pheix test suite configuration files have a full set of features we talked above: explore, stages, subtages, environmental variables export, setup and clean up. These files could be used as basic examples to create test configuration for yet another module or application, no matter — Raku, Perl or something else.

Sample snippet from run-tests.conf.yml:

target: Pheix test suite
  base: ./t
  pattern: (<[23]> ** 1..1 <[0..9]> ** 1..1)|(<[01]> ** 1..1 <[234569]> ** 1..1)|('07'|'08'|'10')<[a..z-]>+\.t
  interpreter: raku
  - test: 'raku $WWW/user.raku --mode=test'
      - WWW
  - test: ./t/cgi/cgi_post_test.sh
      - test: raku ./t/00-november.t
  - test: 'raku ./t/11-version.t $GITVER $CURRVER'
      - GITVER
      - CURRVER
  - test: raku ./t/17-headers-proto-sn.t
      - 'export SERVER_NAME=https://foo.bar'
      - unset SERVER_NAME
      - test: raku ./t/17-headers-proto-sn.t
          - export SERVER_NAME=//foo.bar/
          - unset SERVER_NAME
  - test: raku ./t/18-headers-proto.t
      - test: raku ./t/18-headers-proto.t
          - 'export HTTP_REFERER=https://foo.bar'
          - unset HTTP_REFERER

Test coverage management


Coverage percentage in Gitlab is retrieved from job's standard output: while your tests are running, you have to print actual test progress in percents to console (STDOUT). Output log is parsed by runner on job finish, the matching patterns should be set up in .gitlab-ci.yml — CI/CD configuration file.

Consider trivial test configuration example from the section above, the standard output is:

01. Running -eok(1,'true');                              [ 33% covered ]
02. Running -eis(2,2,'2=2');                             [ 66% covered ]
03. Running -eok(3,'perl5');done_testing;                [ 100% covered ]

Matching pattern in .gitlab-ci.yml is set up:

  stage: trivial-test-stable
  coverage: '/(\d+)% covered/'



Coveralls is a web service that allows users to track the code coverage of their application over time in order to optimize the effectiveness of their unit tests. Trove test tool includes Coveralls integration via API.

API reference is quite clear — the generic objects are job and source_file. Array of source files should be included to the job:

  "service_job_id": "1234567890",
  "service_name": "Trove::Coveralls",
  "source_files": [
      "name": "foo.raku",
      "source_digest": "3d2252fe32ac75568ea9fcc5b982f4a574d1ceee75f7ac0dfc3435afb3cfdd14",
      "coverage": [null, 1, null]
      "name": "bar.raku",
      "source_digest": "b2a00a5bf5afba881bf98cc992065e70810fb7856ee19f0cfb4109ae7b109f3f",
      "coverage": [null, 1, 4, null]

In example above we covered foo.raku and bar.raku by our tests. File foo.raku has 3 lines of source code and only line no.2 is covered. File bar.raku has 4 lines of source code, lines no.2 and no.3 are covered, 2nd just once, 3rd — four times.

Test suite integration

We assume full coverage for some software part if its unit test is passed. Obviously this part is presented by its unit tests and source_files section in Coveralls request looks like:

"source_files": [
      "name": "./t/01.t",
      "source_digest": "be4b2d7decf802cbd3c1bd399c03982dcca074104197426c34181266fde7d942",
      "coverage": [ 1 ]
      "name": "./t/02.t",
      "source_digest": "2d8cecc2fc198220e985eed304962961b28a1ac2b83640e09c280eaac801b4cd",
      "coverage": [ 1 ]

We consider no lines to be covered, so it's enough to set [ 1 ] to coverage member.

Besides source_files member we have to set up a git member as well. It's pointed as optional, but your build reports on Coveralls side will look anonymous without git details (commit, branch, message and others).

Setup automatic coverage upload

You have to set up your test environment to send coverage to Coveralls service automatically. Initially Trove was a simple bash script targeted to GitLab and relied on the next environmental variables:

Sample Trove run with the subsequent test coverage upload to Coveralls:

CI_JOB_ID=`date +%s` COVERALLSTOKEN=<coveralls-secret-repo-token> RAKULIB=./lib trove-cli -c --f=`pwd`/x/trove-configs/test.conf.yaml.explore --p=yq

If you are familiar with GitLab, you can check Pheix pipelines. Trove is used there as a primary test tool since the late November 2022. GitLab sets up CI_JOB_ID automatically and COVERALLSTOKEN is configured manually with CI/CD protected variables. So, usage with GitLab is quite transparent/friendly:

Gitlab CI/CD protected variables Pheix setup

Log test session

While testing trove-cli does not output any TAP messages to standard output. Consider trivial multi-interpreter one-liner test again:

01. Running -eok(1,'true');                              [ 33% covered ]
02. Running -eis(2,2,'2=2');                             [ 66% covered ]
03. Running -eok(3,'perl5');done_testing;                [ 100% covered ]

On the background trove-cli saves the full log with extended test details. Log file is save to current (work) directory and has the next file name format: testreport.*.log, where * is test run date, for example: testreport.2022-10-18_23-21-12.log.

Test command to be executed:

cd ~/git/raku-trove && CONSTANT=2 bin/trove-cli --f=`pwd`/x/trove-configs/tests.conf.yml.oneliner --p=yq -c -l

Log file testreport.*.log content is:

----------- STAGE no.1 -----------
ok 1 - true

----------- STAGE no.2 -----------
ok 1 - 2=2

----------- STAGE no.3 -----------
ok 1 - perl5

Integration with CI/CD environments


Consider module Acme::Insult::Lala, to integrate Trove to Github actions CI/CD environment we have to create .github/workflows/pheix-test-suite.yml with the next instructions:

name: CI

    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      image: rakudo-star:latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Perform test with Pheix test suite
        run: |
          zef install Trove
          ln -s `pwd` /tmp/Acme-Insult-Lala
          cd /tmp/Acme-Insult-Lala && RAKULIB=lib trove-cli --f=/tmp/Acme-Insult-Lala/.run-tests.conf.yml --p=yq -l -c
          cat `ls | grep "testreport"`          

CI/CD magic happens at run instruction, let's explain it line by line:

  1. zef install Trove — install Trove test tool;
  2. ln -s ... — creating the module path consistent with .run-tests.conf.yml;
  3. cd /tmp/Acme-Insult-Lala && ... — run the tests;
  4. cat ... — print test log.

Check the job: https://github.com/pheix/Acme-Insult-Lala/actions/runs/3621090976/jobs/6104091041


Let's integrate module perl5 module Acme with Trove to Gitlab CI/CD environment — we have to create .gitlab-ci.yml with the next instructions:

image: rakudo-star:latest

  - apt update && apt -y install libspiffy-perl
  - zef install Trove
  - ln -s `pwd` /tmp/Acme-perl5
    - cd /tmp/Acme-perl5 && PERL5LIB=lib trove-cli --f=/tmp/Acme-perl5/.run-tests.conf.yml --p=yq -l -c
    - cat `ls | grep "testreport"`
    - main

On Gitlab CI/CD magic happens in before_script and test/script instructions. Behavior is exactly the same as it was in run instruction for Github action.

Check the job: https://gitlab.com/pheix-research/perl-acme/-/jobs/3424335705


This is free and opensource software, so you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0.


Please contact me via LinkedIn or Twitter. Your feedback is welcome at narkhov.pro.