Rand Stats


Revision history for AccountableBagHash

0.0.5  2022-01-17T18:02:22+01:00
    - Fix documentation copy-pasto, MorayJ++
    - Update copyright year

0.0.4  2021-09-10T09:35:09+02:00
    - Change file extension to .rakumod
    - Migrate to zef ecosystem
    - Update email address
    - Update copyright year

0.0.3  2020-07-13T00:09:41+02:00
    - Add support for AccountableMixHash.

0.0.2  2018-09-30T16:51:08+02:00
    - Also export X::BagHash::Accountable and add tests for it.

0.0.1  2018-09-29T12:25:38+02:00
    - Initial version.