Bits - provide bit related functions for arbitrarily large integers
use Bits; # exports "bit", "bits", "bitcnt", "bitswap"
say bit(8, 3); # 1000 -> True
say bit(7, 3); # 0111 -> False
say bits(8); # 1000 -> (3,).Seq
say bits(7); # 0111 -> (0,1,2).Seq
say bitcnt(8); # 1000 -> 1
say bitcnt(7); # 0111 -> 3
say bitswap(1); # 0001 -> 1110
say bitswap(-1); # 1111 -> 0000
This module exports a number of function to handle significant bits in arbitrarily large integer values, aka bitmaps. If the specified value is zero or positive, then the on-bits will be considered significant. If the specified value is negative, then the off-bits in the value will be considered significant.
sub bit(Int:D value, UInt:D bit --> Bool:D)
Takes an integer value and a bit number and returns whether that bit is significant (1 for positive values, 0 for negative values).
sub bits(Int:D value --> Seq:D)
Takes an integer value and returns a Seq
uence of the bit numbers that are significant in the value. For negative values, these are the bits that are 0.
sub bitcnt(Int:D value --> Int:D)
Takes an integer value and returns the number of significant bits that are set in the value. For negative values, this is the number of bits that are 0.
sub bitswap(Int:D value --> Int:D)
Takes an integer value and returns an integer value with all of the 1-bits turned to 0-bits and vice-versa.
Elizabeth Mattijsen liz@raku.rocks
Source can be located at: https://github.com/lizmat/Bits . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.
If you like this module, or what I'm doing more generally, committing to a small sponsorship would mean a great deal to me!
Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2025 Elizabeth Mattijsen
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.